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Copyright 2024 by Stein Enterprises, L.L.C.
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Copyright 2024 by Stein Enterprises, L.L.C.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 29, 2024
"Lost, Then Found"
On February 3rd, 1959—65 years ago—musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper, along with their pilot, were killed in a plane crash outside Mason City. We told you that story a few weeks ago. But here's a part of the story you may not know.
The coroner's death certificate went into detail about what Charles “Buddy” Holly was wearing, the fact there was a leather suitcase found near his body, and that the following personal effects were found--just under $200 in cash, 2 silver cuff links, and the top portion of a ball point pen.
But not his trademark eyeglasses, the signature heavy black frames that to this day are identified with the music icon. They were not found at the site at the time of the crash. And, in fact, for more than 20 years, they had been thought to be lost forever.
But just a few months after the crash in 1959, as the snow melted, the glasses were found. In the violent crash, Buddy Holly's glasses were thrown clear of the wreckage and buried in snow. The Big Bopper's watch was found at the same time.
They were turned in to the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff's office, and tucked in a manila envelope labeled only "received April 7, 1959" and filed away.
Fast forward to February 29th, 1980. Sheriff Jerry Allen was going through some file drawers and came upon the envelope. Since the label did not indicate what case the material related to, he looked inside--and found rock and roll history.
Buddy Holly's parents claimed the glasses, as did his widow, Maria Elena. A court fight ensued, and the glasses were returned to Holly's widow about a year later.
You can see them today, on display at the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, Texas. But they were finally rediscovered, pulled from a file drawer after more than 20 years, on this date in 1980.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 29th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Lost, Then Found"
On February 3rd, 1959—65 years ago—musicians Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper, along with their pilot, were killed in a plane crash outside Mason City. We told you that story a few weeks ago. But here's a part of the story you may not know.
The coroner's death certificate went into detail about what Charles “Buddy” Holly was wearing, the fact there was a leather suitcase found near his body, and that the following personal effects were found--just under $200 in cash, 2 silver cuff links, and the top portion of a ball point pen.
But not his trademark eyeglasses, the signature heavy black frames that to this day are identified with the music icon. They were not found at the site at the time of the crash. And, in fact, for more than 20 years, they had been thought to be lost forever.
But just a few months after the crash in 1959, as the snow melted, the glasses were found. In the violent crash, Buddy Holly's glasses were thrown clear of the wreckage and buried in snow. The Big Bopper's watch was found at the same time.
They were turned in to the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff's office, and tucked in a manila envelope labeled only "received April 7, 1959" and filed away.
Fast forward to February 29th, 1980. Sheriff Jerry Allen was going through some file drawers and came upon the envelope. Since the label did not indicate what case the material related to, he looked inside--and found rock and roll history.
Buddy Holly's parents claimed the glasses, as did his widow, Maria Elena. A court fight ensued, and the glasses were returned to Holly's widow about a year later.
You can see them today, on display at the Buddy Holly Center in Lubbock, Texas. But they were finally rediscovered, pulled from a file drawer after more than 20 years, on this date in 1980.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 29th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 28, 2024
"The Inventor of Nylon"
Those who have great talent, often have great personal burdens. This is one of those stories.
Wallace Hume Carothers was born in Burlington on April 27th of 1896. He was the oldest of four siblings, and his father was a college teacher and administrator. His favorite sister became well known as part of a musical trio that performed on radio.
Wallace became a scientist and began teaching at the University of South Dakota, working on organic chemistry, especially bonding. After obtaining his PhD in 1924, he began teaching at Harvard, and started experimenting with chemical structures of polymers with high molecular weight.
About that same time, in 1928, the DuPont chemical company did something unique at the time...it opened a laboratory for basic research, for development of artificial materials. Carothers found he enjoyed research more than teaching, and joined their team. He separated himself from others by his creativity, enthusiasm, and ability to bring out the best in those working for him. His team developed the first synthetic rubber, called neoprene, in 1931.
As the 1930s began, the U.S. was having a hard time obtaining enough silk to meet commercial demand due to political and trade trouble with Japan, the primary silk supplier. So Wallace Carothers and his team developed a synthetic fiber that could take the place of silk. As the research progressed, he published 31 academic research papers on the subject of polymers, helping establish terminology in the field commonly used today.
On February 28, 1935, a patent was granted for that synthetic fiber. The company called it nylon, and it quickly replaced silk since it was strong, elastic, and unaffected by water. Within five years, nylon stockings were introduced...and nearly 800-thousand were sold on the first day. By the next year, nylon stockings captured a third of the hosiery market.
But Wallace Carothers did not live to see that. He was prone to depression, disliked socializing, and hated public speaking. Less than two years after the discovery of nylon, in 1937, his favorite sister died suddenly, and it threw him into a deep depression that resulted in him taking his own life a few months later...two days after his 41st birthday, and shortly before the birth of his first child.
The brilliant scientist and researcher Wallace Carothers never knew how popular his creation would be. But he did know the success of developing nylon, on this date in 1935.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 28th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Inventor of Nylon"
Those who have great talent, often have great personal burdens. This is one of those stories.
Wallace Hume Carothers was born in Burlington on April 27th of 1896. He was the oldest of four siblings, and his father was a college teacher and administrator. His favorite sister became well known as part of a musical trio that performed on radio.
Wallace became a scientist and began teaching at the University of South Dakota, working on organic chemistry, especially bonding. After obtaining his PhD in 1924, he began teaching at Harvard, and started experimenting with chemical structures of polymers with high molecular weight.
About that same time, in 1928, the DuPont chemical company did something unique at the time...it opened a laboratory for basic research, for development of artificial materials. Carothers found he enjoyed research more than teaching, and joined their team. He separated himself from others by his creativity, enthusiasm, and ability to bring out the best in those working for him. His team developed the first synthetic rubber, called neoprene, in 1931.
As the 1930s began, the U.S. was having a hard time obtaining enough silk to meet commercial demand due to political and trade trouble with Japan, the primary silk supplier. So Wallace Carothers and his team developed a synthetic fiber that could take the place of silk. As the research progressed, he published 31 academic research papers on the subject of polymers, helping establish terminology in the field commonly used today.
On February 28, 1935, a patent was granted for that synthetic fiber. The company called it nylon, and it quickly replaced silk since it was strong, elastic, and unaffected by water. Within five years, nylon stockings were introduced...and nearly 800-thousand were sold on the first day. By the next year, nylon stockings captured a third of the hosiery market.
But Wallace Carothers did not live to see that. He was prone to depression, disliked socializing, and hated public speaking. Less than two years after the discovery of nylon, in 1937, his favorite sister died suddenly, and it threw him into a deep depression that resulted in him taking his own life a few months later...two days after his 41st birthday, and shortly before the birth of his first child.
The brilliant scientist and researcher Wallace Carothers never knew how popular his creation would be. But he did know the success of developing nylon, on this date in 1935.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 28th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 27, 2024
"Starting The Presses"
Newspapers have evolved over time. Now we read them in print and on line. One of the best ways for students to learn the craft of journalism is to have a practicum publication. And on February 27, 1897, the students at Morningside College in Sioux City published the first edition of their student newspaper. It was called L’Echo, presumably to reflect the voices of the students. But the name changed the next year to the Collegian Reporter.
A number of famous Morningside graduates took a turn writing for the Morningside Collegian Reporter during its 120 year history.
Former Iowa governor William L. Harding wrote for the paper, as did novelist Josephine Herbst, editor of Ebony magazine Era Bell Thompson, and Des Moines Register editor William Waymack.
But among the Collegian Reporter’s most famous writers were twin sisters Esther and Pauline Friedman, who were born in Sioux City on July 4, 1918. The Friedman twins wrote a gossip column for the paper in the 1930s called The Campus Rat. That wound up being pretty good training for Esther and Pauline…who went on to become the nationally renowned advice columnists Ann Landers and Dear Abby, respectively.
In a sign of the times, the Collegian Reporter stopped publishing a print edition in 2009. But it’s still there as an on-line publication, maintaining the tradition that started with that first edition of L’Echo, published on this date in 1897.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 27th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Starting The Presses"
Newspapers have evolved over time. Now we read them in print and on line. One of the best ways for students to learn the craft of journalism is to have a practicum publication. And on February 27, 1897, the students at Morningside College in Sioux City published the first edition of their student newspaper. It was called L’Echo, presumably to reflect the voices of the students. But the name changed the next year to the Collegian Reporter.
A number of famous Morningside graduates took a turn writing for the Morningside Collegian Reporter during its 120 year history.
Former Iowa governor William L. Harding wrote for the paper, as did novelist Josephine Herbst, editor of Ebony magazine Era Bell Thompson, and Des Moines Register editor William Waymack.
But among the Collegian Reporter’s most famous writers were twin sisters Esther and Pauline Friedman, who were born in Sioux City on July 4, 1918. The Friedman twins wrote a gossip column for the paper in the 1930s called The Campus Rat. That wound up being pretty good training for Esther and Pauline…who went on to become the nationally renowned advice columnists Ann Landers and Dear Abby, respectively.
In a sign of the times, the Collegian Reporter stopped publishing a print edition in 2009. But it’s still there as an on-line publication, maintaining the tradition that started with that first edition of L’Echo, published on this date in 1897.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 27th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 26, 2024
"The Legend of Buffalo Bill"
William Cody was born near LeClaire in Scott County on February 26, 1846…Iowa became a state later that same year. He only lived in Iowa a short while as his family moved a lot, although they owned a farm in Iowa for some time.
His father died when Bill was only 11, and the boy took a number of jobs to support himself and his family. One of those was as a rider for the Pony Express when he was only 14.
He fought for the Union during the Civil War, and later served as a courier and a scout. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1872 for “gallantry above and beyond the call of duty” as an Army scout.
Bill Cody got the nickname “Buffalo Bill” after the Civil War. He contracted with the Kansas Pacific Railroad to provide workers with buffalo meat, and is reported to have killed nearly 4,300 buffalo in an 18-month period. He competed with another hunter, Bill Comstock, in an eight-hour buffalo shooting match over the exclusive right to use the name…Cody killed 68 in that time, to Comstock’s 48.
Buffalo Bill Cody’s reputation was made when he was only 23, when a story based on his adventures was published in the “New York Weekly”, then through a series of novels.
After that came a series of stage shows, both across this country and in Europe. Noted headliners such as Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane were part of “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West” shows.
He was instrumental in the founding of Cody, Wyoming, and was a noted supporter of Native Americans and equal pay for women…which were not always popular stands to take in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was honored by not one, but two different U.S. postage stamps over time.
Following his death in 1917, he was buried on Lookout Mountain, just west of Denver, Colorado…leaving an estate worth nearly two million dollars in today’s money.
He became known throughout the world as a legend of the West…but Buffalo Bill Cody was born near LeClaire, Iowa, on this date in 1846.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 26th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Legend of Buffalo Bill"
William Cody was born near LeClaire in Scott County on February 26, 1846…Iowa became a state later that same year. He only lived in Iowa a short while as his family moved a lot, although they owned a farm in Iowa for some time.
His father died when Bill was only 11, and the boy took a number of jobs to support himself and his family. One of those was as a rider for the Pony Express when he was only 14.
He fought for the Union during the Civil War, and later served as a courier and a scout. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1872 for “gallantry above and beyond the call of duty” as an Army scout.
Bill Cody got the nickname “Buffalo Bill” after the Civil War. He contracted with the Kansas Pacific Railroad to provide workers with buffalo meat, and is reported to have killed nearly 4,300 buffalo in an 18-month period. He competed with another hunter, Bill Comstock, in an eight-hour buffalo shooting match over the exclusive right to use the name…Cody killed 68 in that time, to Comstock’s 48.
Buffalo Bill Cody’s reputation was made when he was only 23, when a story based on his adventures was published in the “New York Weekly”, then through a series of novels.
After that came a series of stage shows, both across this country and in Europe. Noted headliners such as Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane were part of “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West” shows.
He was instrumental in the founding of Cody, Wyoming, and was a noted supporter of Native Americans and equal pay for women…which were not always popular stands to take in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was honored by not one, but two different U.S. postage stamps over time.
Following his death in 1917, he was buried on Lookout Mountain, just west of Denver, Colorado…leaving an estate worth nearly two million dollars in today’s money.
He became known throughout the world as a legend of the West…but Buffalo Bill Cody was born near LeClaire, Iowa, on this date in 1846.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 26th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 23, 2024
"The Birth of a Party"
A group of abolitionists met in the Washington County town of Crawfordsville on this date in 1854. The meeting was held in the Seceder Church.
At the time, Crawfordsville was an intensely political and intellectual town, with more than the normal discussion about current events. Many who settled there were highly educated. It was a point on the Underground Railroad, and had the first consolidated school west of the Mississippi.
At the February 23rd meeting, area men--many of whom had been members of the Whig party--debated political topics, created a platform of positions, and nominated candidates for a new movement, a new political party. Initially, the party was a strong anti-slavery voice.
The movement spread across the country, with similar meetings held in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Michigan.
The first public meeting of similarly minded people was held in Ripon, Wisconsin a month after the Crawfordsville gathering, leading some to say that meeting was the start of the movement.
And it's not surprising that many claim to be the birthplace of this new party, which in six short years would elect one of their own as president--Abraham Lincoln. But Crawfordsville, Iowa, stakes its claim to be the birthplace of the Republican Party because of the meeting held there on this date in 1854…170 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 23rd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Birth of a Party"
A group of abolitionists met in the Washington County town of Crawfordsville on this date in 1854. The meeting was held in the Seceder Church.
At the time, Crawfordsville was an intensely political and intellectual town, with more than the normal discussion about current events. Many who settled there were highly educated. It was a point on the Underground Railroad, and had the first consolidated school west of the Mississippi.
At the February 23rd meeting, area men--many of whom had been members of the Whig party--debated political topics, created a platform of positions, and nominated candidates for a new movement, a new political party. Initially, the party was a strong anti-slavery voice.
The movement spread across the country, with similar meetings held in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Michigan.
The first public meeting of similarly minded people was held in Ripon, Wisconsin a month after the Crawfordsville gathering, leading some to say that meeting was the start of the movement.
And it's not surprising that many claim to be the birthplace of this new party, which in six short years would elect one of their own as president--Abraham Lincoln. But Crawfordsville, Iowa, stakes its claim to be the birthplace of the Republican Party because of the meeting held there on this date in 1854…170 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 23rd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 22, 2024
"Finishing First, At First"
They ran the Daytona 500 auto race earlier this month. It’s well known as being the biggest race of the year, and the first race on the yearly NASCAR schedule.
But when the first 500 mile race was run, it was actually the second race of the season. And an Iowan figured prominently.
Johnny Beauchamp was born in Harlan, Iowa. He began his racing career after World War II racing old model stock cars at county fair tracks, and began the 1950s by winning multiple championships at the Playland Park track in Council Bluffs. At the time, NASCAR was focused in the southeastern U.S., and the International Motor Contest Association, IMCA, dominated the Midwest…and Beauchamp dominated IMCA, winning dozens of races and multiple season championships.
Then came 1959, and Beauchamp found himself behind the wheel of a Thunderbird for the first Daytona 500. He took the lead when Fireball Roberts went out on lap 43, and was in the top three places the rest of the race. With about 50 laps left, Lee Petty moved up near the front, and Beauchamp and Petty raced neck-and-neck for the last quarter of the race.
They crossed the line at about the same time, with Iowan Johnny Beauchamp declared the winner. He took the car to victory lane and enjoyed the celebration…but that was not the end of it. Lee Petty protested, saying he was the winner. The Beauchamp side argued that not only was Johnny’s car ahead by two feet, but that Petty had taken more pit stops during the race and was not even on the same lap. At that time, NASCAR had drivers’ wives often counting the laps…far from the scoring system used today.
NASCAR founder Bill France, Sr., studied photos and newsreel footage for three days, and then declared Lee Petty the winner, taking the crown away from Beauchamp.
Johnny won the NASCAR event in Atlanta a month later, and one at Nashville the following year before finishing his career in the 1961 Daytona 500…ironically, in that last race, he was involved in an accident with Lee Petty.
The controversial finish helped put NASCAR on the map, when Iowa’s Johnny Beauchamp was originally declared the first winner of the Daytona 500, on this date in 1959…65 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 22nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Finishing First, At First"
They ran the Daytona 500 auto race earlier this month. It’s well known as being the biggest race of the year, and the first race on the yearly NASCAR schedule.
But when the first 500 mile race was run, it was actually the second race of the season. And an Iowan figured prominently.
Johnny Beauchamp was born in Harlan, Iowa. He began his racing career after World War II racing old model stock cars at county fair tracks, and began the 1950s by winning multiple championships at the Playland Park track in Council Bluffs. At the time, NASCAR was focused in the southeastern U.S., and the International Motor Contest Association, IMCA, dominated the Midwest…and Beauchamp dominated IMCA, winning dozens of races and multiple season championships.
Then came 1959, and Beauchamp found himself behind the wheel of a Thunderbird for the first Daytona 500. He took the lead when Fireball Roberts went out on lap 43, and was in the top three places the rest of the race. With about 50 laps left, Lee Petty moved up near the front, and Beauchamp and Petty raced neck-and-neck for the last quarter of the race.
They crossed the line at about the same time, with Iowan Johnny Beauchamp declared the winner. He took the car to victory lane and enjoyed the celebration…but that was not the end of it. Lee Petty protested, saying he was the winner. The Beauchamp side argued that not only was Johnny’s car ahead by two feet, but that Petty had taken more pit stops during the race and was not even on the same lap. At that time, NASCAR had drivers’ wives often counting the laps…far from the scoring system used today.
NASCAR founder Bill France, Sr., studied photos and newsreel footage for three days, and then declared Lee Petty the winner, taking the crown away from Beauchamp.
Johnny won the NASCAR event in Atlanta a month later, and one at Nashville the following year before finishing his career in the 1961 Daytona 500…ironically, in that last race, he was involved in an accident with Lee Petty.
The controversial finish helped put NASCAR on the map, when Iowa’s Johnny Beauchamp was originally declared the first winner of the Daytona 500, on this date in 1959…65 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 22nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 21, 2024
"Incorporating a Town"
In the spring of 1834, Benjamin Nye laid out a town at the mouth of Pine Creek, the first settlement in what is now Muscatine County. Not long after, Colonel George Davenport brought a stock of goods and built a log cabin nearby, establishing a trading post there.
Colonel John Vanater bought Davenport's trading post and laid out a town of his own in 1836. He named it Bloomington, in honor of his Indiana hometown. In early 1837, Bloomington was named the new county seat. Two years later, the population was 71, and there were 33 buildings in the town.
But by 1850, there was beginning to be some confusion...Bloomington, Indiana; Bloomington, Illinois; Bloomington, Iowa. Local folks thought it might be a good idea to change the name.
One tribe of Native Americans that lived in the area a century before was called Mascoutin, which meant fiery nation. The name was altered to Muscatine, and both the town and county took the new name.
On February 21, 1851, Muscatine was formally incorporated by a special act of the Iowa legislature. It's one of only four Iowa cities that still operate under such special authority.
Mark Twain lived in the city in 1854. He once wrote, "I remember Muscatine for its summer sunsets. I have never seen any on either side of the ocean that equaled them."
Muscatine, incorporated by special action of the state legislature, on this date in 1851.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 21st...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Incorporating a Town"
In the spring of 1834, Benjamin Nye laid out a town at the mouth of Pine Creek, the first settlement in what is now Muscatine County. Not long after, Colonel George Davenport brought a stock of goods and built a log cabin nearby, establishing a trading post there.
Colonel John Vanater bought Davenport's trading post and laid out a town of his own in 1836. He named it Bloomington, in honor of his Indiana hometown. In early 1837, Bloomington was named the new county seat. Two years later, the population was 71, and there were 33 buildings in the town.
But by 1850, there was beginning to be some confusion...Bloomington, Indiana; Bloomington, Illinois; Bloomington, Iowa. Local folks thought it might be a good idea to change the name.
One tribe of Native Americans that lived in the area a century before was called Mascoutin, which meant fiery nation. The name was altered to Muscatine, and both the town and county took the new name.
On February 21, 1851, Muscatine was formally incorporated by a special act of the Iowa legislature. It's one of only four Iowa cities that still operate under such special authority.
Mark Twain lived in the city in 1854. He once wrote, "I remember Muscatine for its summer sunsets. I have never seen any on either side of the ocean that equaled them."
Muscatine, incorporated by special action of the state legislature, on this date in 1851.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 21st...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 20, 2024
"Tribal Bingo"
In the mid-1980s, the Meskwaki settlement consisted of about 4,000 acres of land, and 650 people lived there. The unemployment rate was around 70 percent.
At the time, other tribes were finding financial success through bingo and casino projects, taking advantage of federal laws that granted special privileges to tribes and Native American settlement lands.
But it was not an easy sell within the Meskwaki nation. On December 7, 1984, a vote of tribal members to pursue a bingo hall failed. Two years later, a similar measure passed, and on February 20, 1987, a new bingo hall was opened on the settlement grounds near Tama.
It quickly became a big success, and soon came a movement to expand beyond bingo to include casino gaming. As was the case when the bingo discussion came up, consensus was hard to find. Some tribal members argued in favor of the jobs and income a casino would provide; others were fearful of new problems. In December 1991, the tribe voted to expand beyond bingo, and soon a major addition to the bingo hall housed casino gaming.
The impact on the Meskwaki nation was immediate. The unemployment rate of 70 percent when the bingo hall opened dropped to 40 percent in only 8 years, and to less than 12 percent after the start of casino gaming.
Today, the facility includes a full gaming hall, entertainment complex, hotel, and convenience store, and proceeds have gone to build houses and a school. There's still bingo, too...which is how it began, when Meskwaki Bingo opened near Tama on this date in 1987.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 20th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Tribal Bingo"
In the mid-1980s, the Meskwaki settlement consisted of about 4,000 acres of land, and 650 people lived there. The unemployment rate was around 70 percent.
At the time, other tribes were finding financial success through bingo and casino projects, taking advantage of federal laws that granted special privileges to tribes and Native American settlement lands.
But it was not an easy sell within the Meskwaki nation. On December 7, 1984, a vote of tribal members to pursue a bingo hall failed. Two years later, a similar measure passed, and on February 20, 1987, a new bingo hall was opened on the settlement grounds near Tama.
It quickly became a big success, and soon came a movement to expand beyond bingo to include casino gaming. As was the case when the bingo discussion came up, consensus was hard to find. Some tribal members argued in favor of the jobs and income a casino would provide; others were fearful of new problems. In December 1991, the tribe voted to expand beyond bingo, and soon a major addition to the bingo hall housed casino gaming.
The impact on the Meskwaki nation was immediate. The unemployment rate of 70 percent when the bingo hall opened dropped to 40 percent in only 8 years, and to less than 12 percent after the start of casino gaming.
Today, the facility includes a full gaming hall, entertainment complex, hotel, and convenience store, and proceeds have gone to build houses and a school. There's still bingo, too...which is how it began, when Meskwaki Bingo opened near Tama on this date in 1987.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 20th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 19, 2024
"The Antenna Inventor"
After serving in World War II, John Winegard returned to Burlington, Iowa and found work as a radio repairman. That made sense, since as a boy during the Great Depression, he built his own telegraph set out of a tobacco can, a car horn, and a used battery.
By the late 1940s, the earliest television stations started broadcasting, but only in major cities hundreds of miles away. John wanted to see what the new Chicago station, now WBBM, was putting on the air, so in 1948 he designed and built an outdoor antenna that would allow him to watch TV from Chicago in Burlington. Working out of a friend’s basement, and then his parents’ garage, John Winegard’s designs became more sophisticated, and soon he created the Electro-Lens director system, the first patented improvement on TV antenna design in 25 years.
In 1948, there were fewer than 1 million TV sets in the U.S. Five years later, that number grew to 25 million, all needing antennas to receive the VHF signals of channels 2 through 13. So John founded the Winegard Company on December 29, 1953.
When the government opened up the UHF band, channels 14 through 83, in 1955, Winegard was there, with the first 82-channel antenna. A few years later, he invented the first electronic booster, to improve signal quality.
For a time, the legendary Paul Harvey advertised Winegard products on the air as a spokesman…so did Arthur Godfrey and Milton Berle.
Today, the company is still based in Burlington, with a worldwide reputation for producing antennae for a variety of uses. It’s operated by his children, who carry on their father’s dream of making his home area a great place to live and work. It’s the legacy John Winegard left when he died, on this date in 2002.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 19th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Antenna Inventor"
After serving in World War II, John Winegard returned to Burlington, Iowa and found work as a radio repairman. That made sense, since as a boy during the Great Depression, he built his own telegraph set out of a tobacco can, a car horn, and a used battery.
By the late 1940s, the earliest television stations started broadcasting, but only in major cities hundreds of miles away. John wanted to see what the new Chicago station, now WBBM, was putting on the air, so in 1948 he designed and built an outdoor antenna that would allow him to watch TV from Chicago in Burlington. Working out of a friend’s basement, and then his parents’ garage, John Winegard’s designs became more sophisticated, and soon he created the Electro-Lens director system, the first patented improvement on TV antenna design in 25 years.
In 1948, there were fewer than 1 million TV sets in the U.S. Five years later, that number grew to 25 million, all needing antennas to receive the VHF signals of channels 2 through 13. So John founded the Winegard Company on December 29, 1953.
When the government opened up the UHF band, channels 14 through 83, in 1955, Winegard was there, with the first 82-channel antenna. A few years later, he invented the first electronic booster, to improve signal quality.
For a time, the legendary Paul Harvey advertised Winegard products on the air as a spokesman…so did Arthur Godfrey and Milton Berle.
Today, the company is still based in Burlington, with a worldwide reputation for producing antennae for a variety of uses. It’s operated by his children, who carry on their father’s dream of making his home area a great place to live and work. It’s the legacy John Winegard left when he died, on this date in 2002.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 19th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 16, 2024
"Primary Politics"
We’re well familiar with Iowa’s presidential precinct caucuses, which in their current form date back a half century. Iowa does not have a presidential primary election…it did once, but only once.
Iowa became a state in 1846 and adopted the common national practice of the time of caucuses and conventions where political parties nominated their candidates for public office. Ultimately, Iowa adopted a statewide primary election law in 1907, but that was only for offices filled by direct popular vote…which did not include nomination of presidential candidates, and at that point, not even U.S. Senators, since those were still chosen by the state legislature at that time.
In 1913, Iowa’s primary election law was amended to include selection of delegates to national political conventions, and a presidential preference poll to determine the sentiment of voters.
Iowa held its first—and as it turned out, only—presidential primary on April 10, 1916. But none of the major presidential candidates entered, and less than one-third of the eligible voters cast a ballot. The primary election cost the state $122,000…which would be $2.9 million today.
Gov. George Clarke, who called for a presidential primary law in his inaugural address in 1913, had seen enough, calling the 1916 election a farce and urging repeal of the law. That happened quickly, and on February 16, 1917, the new governor, William Harding, signed the bill into law. And we’ve never had a presidential primary election since.
Iowa’s presidential primary elections were banned, by state law signed on this date in 1917.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 16th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Primary Politics"
We’re well familiar with Iowa’s presidential precinct caucuses, which in their current form date back a half century. Iowa does not have a presidential primary election…it did once, but only once.
Iowa became a state in 1846 and adopted the common national practice of the time of caucuses and conventions where political parties nominated their candidates for public office. Ultimately, Iowa adopted a statewide primary election law in 1907, but that was only for offices filled by direct popular vote…which did not include nomination of presidential candidates, and at that point, not even U.S. Senators, since those were still chosen by the state legislature at that time.
In 1913, Iowa’s primary election law was amended to include selection of delegates to national political conventions, and a presidential preference poll to determine the sentiment of voters.
Iowa held its first—and as it turned out, only—presidential primary on April 10, 1916. But none of the major presidential candidates entered, and less than one-third of the eligible voters cast a ballot. The primary election cost the state $122,000…which would be $2.9 million today.
Gov. George Clarke, who called for a presidential primary law in his inaugural address in 1913, had seen enough, calling the 1916 election a farce and urging repeal of the law. That happened quickly, and on February 16, 1917, the new governor, William Harding, signed the bill into law. And we’ve never had a presidential primary election since.
Iowa’s presidential primary elections were banned, by state law signed on this date in 1917.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 16th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 15, 2024
"The Oldest in America"
The fact that the oldest standing purpose-built mosque in America is in Iowa might seem curious to some. But it is in keeping with Iowa’s long history of welcoming those from a variety of faiths.
It was once known as The Rose of Fraternity Lodge, located on 9th Street NW in Cedar Rapids. The mosque was completed in 1934. Mosques in Chicago and New York City have been in place longer…but they were converted from existing buildings to be used as a Muslim house of worship. The Iowa structure is the oldest built for this specific purpose.
The mosque in Cedar Rapids was built by a group of immigrants and their descendants from the Ottoman Empire, in what is now Lebanon and Syria. And it served as a place of worship for Muslims for four decades. When the larger Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids was built in 1971, the building was sold and sadly, fell into disrepair.
In 1991, the Islamic Council of Iowa purchased and restored the building as a Muslim cultural center.
The Mother Mosque stands in a residential neighborhood, with houses on all sides. A small marker off First Avenue points the way to the structure, which is listed on both the Iowa State Historical Register and the National Register of Historic Places.
Construction of what is now The Mother Mosque of America Islamic Cultural and Heritage Center, the oldest mosque in America, was completed on this date in 1934…90 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 15th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Oldest in America"
The fact that the oldest standing purpose-built mosque in America is in Iowa might seem curious to some. But it is in keeping with Iowa’s long history of welcoming those from a variety of faiths.
It was once known as The Rose of Fraternity Lodge, located on 9th Street NW in Cedar Rapids. The mosque was completed in 1934. Mosques in Chicago and New York City have been in place longer…but they were converted from existing buildings to be used as a Muslim house of worship. The Iowa structure is the oldest built for this specific purpose.
The mosque in Cedar Rapids was built by a group of immigrants and their descendants from the Ottoman Empire, in what is now Lebanon and Syria. And it served as a place of worship for Muslims for four decades. When the larger Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids was built in 1971, the building was sold and sadly, fell into disrepair.
In 1991, the Islamic Council of Iowa purchased and restored the building as a Muslim cultural center.
The Mother Mosque stands in a residential neighborhood, with houses on all sides. A small marker off First Avenue points the way to the structure, which is listed on both the Iowa State Historical Register and the National Register of Historic Places.
Construction of what is now The Mother Mosque of America Islamic Cultural and Heritage Center, the oldest mosque in America, was completed on this date in 1934…90 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 15th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 14, 2024
"The Last at the Post"
In a broad sense, the story of the military post at Fort Atkinson is one of removing Native Americans from the east side of the Mississippi River to the west. More narrowly stated, it's about the life of those who lived in the "neutral ground" of first the Iowa territory, and then the State of Iowa.
In the 1830s, Winnebago tribe members resisted leaving their Wisconsin homeland. Their burial grounds were there, and they also did not want to move too close to their old enemies, the Sioux. General Henry Atkinson suggested establishing a temporary fort along the Turkey River, in the established "neutral ground" designed to keep tribes apart from each other, and apart from settlers.
The first log barracks were built in 1840. But they did not hold up well under the Iowa winter, and due to the large number of desertions, stone barracks were constructed the next spring. By the fall of 1842, the two years of work was finally completed, with two dozen buildings erected as part of the fort. Fourteen of the buildings were outside the stockade walls, including the stables, a granary, carpenter shop, and blacksmith shop.
In the year of Iowa statehood, 1846, the regular army members stationed at Fort Atkinson were sent to Mexico to fight in the Mexican-American War, so volunteer troops took over staffing the Iowa fort.
Given the large number of settlers moving into the Iowa Territory, the U.S. government again moved the Winnebagos, this time into Minnesota. The military escort-led relocation took until the summer of 1848, and with no more Winnebagos left in the region, the fort was no longer needed.
After a time in private ownership, the state acquired the fort in the 1920s, and in 1976 it became a state preserve.
On a high bluff overlooking the valley of the Turkey River, the remains of the historic old fort stand as a monument to the era, and when the last company of infantry soldiers left Fort Atkinson, on this date in 1849…175 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 14th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Last at the Post"
In a broad sense, the story of the military post at Fort Atkinson is one of removing Native Americans from the east side of the Mississippi River to the west. More narrowly stated, it's about the life of those who lived in the "neutral ground" of first the Iowa territory, and then the State of Iowa.
In the 1830s, Winnebago tribe members resisted leaving their Wisconsin homeland. Their burial grounds were there, and they also did not want to move too close to their old enemies, the Sioux. General Henry Atkinson suggested establishing a temporary fort along the Turkey River, in the established "neutral ground" designed to keep tribes apart from each other, and apart from settlers.
The first log barracks were built in 1840. But they did not hold up well under the Iowa winter, and due to the large number of desertions, stone barracks were constructed the next spring. By the fall of 1842, the two years of work was finally completed, with two dozen buildings erected as part of the fort. Fourteen of the buildings were outside the stockade walls, including the stables, a granary, carpenter shop, and blacksmith shop.
In the year of Iowa statehood, 1846, the regular army members stationed at Fort Atkinson were sent to Mexico to fight in the Mexican-American War, so volunteer troops took over staffing the Iowa fort.
Given the large number of settlers moving into the Iowa Territory, the U.S. government again moved the Winnebagos, this time into Minnesota. The military escort-led relocation took until the summer of 1848, and with no more Winnebagos left in the region, the fort was no longer needed.
After a time in private ownership, the state acquired the fort in the 1920s, and in 1976 it became a state preserve.
On a high bluff overlooking the valley of the Turkey River, the remains of the historic old fort stand as a monument to the era, and when the last company of infantry soldiers left Fort Atkinson, on this date in 1849…175 years ago today.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 14th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 13, 2024
"The Englert is on Fire"
Not too many years ago, the Englert Theater in downtown Iowa City looked to have met its end. In 1999, the theater was closed and the building sold, destined to become a nightclub. But a group of concerned citizens persuaded the City to buy the theater and hold it in trust until they could raise the money necessary to restore it to its past glory.
It took five years, but the Save the Englert campaign was a success, and since 2004, the theater has hosted live performances and events.
But that wasn't the first time the Englert came back.
The Englert Theater opened on September 26, 1912. William and Etta Englert built the theater to rival the finest stage and movie houses in the Midwest. William died in 1920, and Etta enlisted two managers.
On February 13, 1926, a massive fire nearly destroyed the Englert. Etta Englert and co-manager Dora Chapman watched in horror as fire tore through the roof. The fire caused $125,000 in damage...more than twice the $60,000 it had cost to build the theater only 14 years before. But Etta and her new husband, along with the two managers, brought the theater back, incorporating the styles and tastes of the 1920s to turn the rebuilt Englert into a large and ornate movie palace.
Current Iowa City residents are justifiably proud of how a group of them banded together to save the Englert. But had it not been for the dedication of one of the original owners, the Englert would have passed from the scene long before, after the massive fire that burned on this date in 1926.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 13th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Englert is on Fire"
Not too many years ago, the Englert Theater in downtown Iowa City looked to have met its end. In 1999, the theater was closed and the building sold, destined to become a nightclub. But a group of concerned citizens persuaded the City to buy the theater and hold it in trust until they could raise the money necessary to restore it to its past glory.
It took five years, but the Save the Englert campaign was a success, and since 2004, the theater has hosted live performances and events.
But that wasn't the first time the Englert came back.
The Englert Theater opened on September 26, 1912. William and Etta Englert built the theater to rival the finest stage and movie houses in the Midwest. William died in 1920, and Etta enlisted two managers.
On February 13, 1926, a massive fire nearly destroyed the Englert. Etta Englert and co-manager Dora Chapman watched in horror as fire tore through the roof. The fire caused $125,000 in damage...more than twice the $60,000 it had cost to build the theater only 14 years before. But Etta and her new husband, along with the two managers, brought the theater back, incorporating the styles and tastes of the 1920s to turn the rebuilt Englert into a large and ornate movie palace.
Current Iowa City residents are justifiably proud of how a group of them banded together to save the Englert. But had it not been for the dedication of one of the original owners, the Englert would have passed from the scene long before, after the massive fire that burned on this date in 1926.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 13th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 12, 2024
"Motoring in Style"
On February 12, 1958, a company called Modernistic Industries opened for business in Forest City; owner John K. Hanson started with 17 employees, making travel trailers. Soon, a groundbreaking 15-foot trailer called the Aljo rolled off the assembly line for the first time, with a retail cost of $895.
Two years later, Modernistic changed its name…both the river that flowed through Forest City as well as the county where the company was located carried the name Winnebago…and soon that name would become synonymous with the American motor home industry.
By 1967, the company debuted the first Winnebago motorhome with the launch of the F17, based on a Ford chassis. The use of assembly line-based production meant Winnebago motorhomes reached the marketplace at roughly half the price of competitors’ products.
The company went public in 1970, and was the top New York Stock Exchange performer the following year, with a return of 470 percent.
Over the past decade, the company expanded its base, returning to the towable market and expanding into the marine industry by purchasing premium boat builder Chris-Craft.
While the corporate headquarters is now in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, manufacturing is done in Forest City, Charles City, Waverly and Lake Mills, Iowa as well as in Middlebury, Indiana.
From 17 employees at the start, to serving as Forest City’s largest employer today…what is now Winnebago Industries was founded there on this date in 1958.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 12th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Motoring in Style"
On February 12, 1958, a company called Modernistic Industries opened for business in Forest City; owner John K. Hanson started with 17 employees, making travel trailers. Soon, a groundbreaking 15-foot trailer called the Aljo rolled off the assembly line for the first time, with a retail cost of $895.
Two years later, Modernistic changed its name…both the river that flowed through Forest City as well as the county where the company was located carried the name Winnebago…and soon that name would become synonymous with the American motor home industry.
By 1967, the company debuted the first Winnebago motorhome with the launch of the F17, based on a Ford chassis. The use of assembly line-based production meant Winnebago motorhomes reached the marketplace at roughly half the price of competitors’ products.
The company went public in 1970, and was the top New York Stock Exchange performer the following year, with a return of 470 percent.
Over the past decade, the company expanded its base, returning to the towable market and expanding into the marine industry by purchasing premium boat builder Chris-Craft.
While the corporate headquarters is now in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, manufacturing is done in Forest City, Charles City, Waverly and Lake Mills, Iowa as well as in Middlebury, Indiana.
From 17 employees at the start, to serving as Forest City’s largest employer today…what is now Winnebago Industries was founded there on this date in 1958.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 12th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 09, 2024
"An Iowa Astronaut"
She was 9 years old when she saw black and white images of men walking on the moon on the television in her family's home on a farm outside Beaconsfield, Iowa. Peggy Whitson says she thought that would be a cool job to have. But it started becoming possible at the perfect time for her. Just as she was graduating from high school, NASA picked the first set of female astronauts.
Peggy Whitson's first space mission was in 2002, with an extended six month stay aboard the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 5. By the time she and her crew returned to Earth in December of that year, she had logged nearly 185 days in space.
Five years later, her second mission, Expedition 16, launched. Among those who participated was astronaut Clayton Anderson, an Iowa State alum. She spent another 192 days in space on that mission, which was remarkable because of a malfunction of their Soyuz craft, which subjected the crew to forces about eight times that of gravity during reentry.
During those two trips, Whitson participated in six spacewalks, totaling 39 hours and 46 minutes, making her the female with the most extra vehicular activity time. Her 377 days in space between the two missions...more than one year total...was the most for any woman.
But not satisfied with those records, she returned to space, part of Expedition 50/51, making her officially the oldest female astronaut ever…as well as oldest female spacewalker, the woman with the most total spacewalks, and the first female astronaut to command the International Space Station twice. And on April 24, 2017, she broke the record for most total days spent in space by any NASA astronaut; by the time she returned in September of that year, she had spent a total of 665 days in space during her amazing career.
Peggy Whitson served as chief of the NASA astronaut corps from 2009 until 2012. Reaching unknown heights in space, astronaut Peggy Whitson's life on earth began when she was born in Mount Ayr on this date in 1960.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 9th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"An Iowa Astronaut"
She was 9 years old when she saw black and white images of men walking on the moon on the television in her family's home on a farm outside Beaconsfield, Iowa. Peggy Whitson says she thought that would be a cool job to have. But it started becoming possible at the perfect time for her. Just as she was graduating from high school, NASA picked the first set of female astronauts.
Peggy Whitson's first space mission was in 2002, with an extended six month stay aboard the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 5. By the time she and her crew returned to Earth in December of that year, she had logged nearly 185 days in space.
Five years later, her second mission, Expedition 16, launched. Among those who participated was astronaut Clayton Anderson, an Iowa State alum. She spent another 192 days in space on that mission, which was remarkable because of a malfunction of their Soyuz craft, which subjected the crew to forces about eight times that of gravity during reentry.
During those two trips, Whitson participated in six spacewalks, totaling 39 hours and 46 minutes, making her the female with the most extra vehicular activity time. Her 377 days in space between the two missions...more than one year total...was the most for any woman.
But not satisfied with those records, she returned to space, part of Expedition 50/51, making her officially the oldest female astronaut ever…as well as oldest female spacewalker, the woman with the most total spacewalks, and the first female astronaut to command the International Space Station twice. And on April 24, 2017, she broke the record for most total days spent in space by any NASA astronaut; by the time she returned in September of that year, she had spent a total of 665 days in space during her amazing career.
Peggy Whitson served as chief of the NASA astronaut corps from 2009 until 2012. Reaching unknown heights in space, astronaut Peggy Whitson's life on earth began when she was born in Mount Ayr on this date in 1960.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 9th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 08, 2024
"On The Air Statewide"
When it set up the rules for television licenses in the early 1950s, the Federal Communications Commission wanted to make sure that educational broadcasting was protected. So in essence, they reserved one of the prime, VHF channels in each market for educational use.
As early as 1952, Iowa governor William Beardsley had a plan...establishing a 12-station educational network for Iowa, at a cost then of $5 million. But no one at the time shared Gov. Beardsley's vision.
In Des Moines, the designated educational channel was channel 11, which went on the air as KDPS-TV, which stood for Des Moines Public Schools, the entity which ran the channel. But after a while, the school decided to get out of the television business and sold the rights to the station to the State of Iowa in 1969 for a half million dollars. The state rechristened the channel KDIN-TV, and it became the flagship of what was called the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network, or IEBN.
On February 8, 1970, an eastern Iowa station was added, as KIIN-TV in Iowa City began broadcasting on channel 12, with an identical signal to KDIN. And with two stations, it was now officially a network. By the middle of the decade, four more stations were added, extending the network's reach from one end of the state to the other.
Later known as Iowa Public Television, and now as Iowa PBS, the network broadcasts four separate program streams, over 9 licensed stations and another 8 translators...now surpassing even the ambitious goals of Gov. Beardsley from more than 70 years ago.
But the second station on what was then IEBN, truly making public television in Iowa a network...KIIN, channel 12 in Iowa City...went on the air on this date in 1970.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 8th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"On The Air Statewide"
When it set up the rules for television licenses in the early 1950s, the Federal Communications Commission wanted to make sure that educational broadcasting was protected. So in essence, they reserved one of the prime, VHF channels in each market for educational use.
As early as 1952, Iowa governor William Beardsley had a plan...establishing a 12-station educational network for Iowa, at a cost then of $5 million. But no one at the time shared Gov. Beardsley's vision.
In Des Moines, the designated educational channel was channel 11, which went on the air as KDPS-TV, which stood for Des Moines Public Schools, the entity which ran the channel. But after a while, the school decided to get out of the television business and sold the rights to the station to the State of Iowa in 1969 for a half million dollars. The state rechristened the channel KDIN-TV, and it became the flagship of what was called the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network, or IEBN.
On February 8, 1970, an eastern Iowa station was added, as KIIN-TV in Iowa City began broadcasting on channel 12, with an identical signal to KDIN. And with two stations, it was now officially a network. By the middle of the decade, four more stations were added, extending the network's reach from one end of the state to the other.
Later known as Iowa Public Television, and now as Iowa PBS, the network broadcasts four separate program streams, over 9 licensed stations and another 8 translators...now surpassing even the ambitious goals of Gov. Beardsley from more than 70 years ago.
But the second station on what was then IEBN, truly making public television in Iowa a network...KIIN, channel 12 in Iowa City...went on the air on this date in 1970.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 8th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 07, 2024
"From Iowa to the Big and Small Screen"
On February 7, 1978, a Cedar Rapids couple welcomed fraternal twin boys into the world, named Michael and Christopher. Michael had a rough time as a boy, suffering from heart trouble and cerebral palsy. That caused understandable stress at home, leading Chris to worry so much, at age 13 he even contemplated suicide so his brother could have his healthy heart.
He enrolled at the University of Iowa, planning to major in biochemical engineering, in part because he wanted to find a cure for his brother's heart ailment. But he was a typical party boy, even getting kicked out of his apartment for being too wild.
As it turns out, hanging out in Iowa City bars worked to his advantage. While at the Airliner bar downtown, he was approached by a scout for the Fresh Faces of Iowa modeling competition. He entered and won. And that led to a career in modeling and acting.
We first saw him in the TV series "That 70s Show" as Michael Kelso, and later in the final seasons of "Two and a Half Men". You also know him as the producer of the MTV hidden camera series "Punk'd". On the big screen, he's been in movies such as "The Guardian", "Dude, Where's My Car?", and "Jobs". And he has invested heavily in helping startup companies focused on new technology. He himself was the first Twitter user to reach more than 1 million followers.
Professionally, he goes by his middle name, Ashton. But he was born Christopher Ashton Kutcher, in Cedar Rapids, on this date in 1978.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 7th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"From Iowa to the Big and Small Screen"
On February 7, 1978, a Cedar Rapids couple welcomed fraternal twin boys into the world, named Michael and Christopher. Michael had a rough time as a boy, suffering from heart trouble and cerebral palsy. That caused understandable stress at home, leading Chris to worry so much, at age 13 he even contemplated suicide so his brother could have his healthy heart.
He enrolled at the University of Iowa, planning to major in biochemical engineering, in part because he wanted to find a cure for his brother's heart ailment. But he was a typical party boy, even getting kicked out of his apartment for being too wild.
As it turns out, hanging out in Iowa City bars worked to his advantage. While at the Airliner bar downtown, he was approached by a scout for the Fresh Faces of Iowa modeling competition. He entered and won. And that led to a career in modeling and acting.
We first saw him in the TV series "That 70s Show" as Michael Kelso, and later in the final seasons of "Two and a Half Men". You also know him as the producer of the MTV hidden camera series "Punk'd". On the big screen, he's been in movies such as "The Guardian", "Dude, Where's My Car?", and "Jobs". And he has invested heavily in helping startup companies focused on new technology. He himself was the first Twitter user to reach more than 1 million followers.
Professionally, he goes by his middle name, Ashton. But he was born Christopher Ashton Kutcher, in Cedar Rapids, on this date in 1978.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 7th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 06, 2024
"Of Democrats And Methodists"
Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver was born on this date in 1858 in what was then Preston County, Virginia. Not long after, the county refused to join the Confederacy and became part of the Union’s new state of West Virginia.
Soon after graduating from the West Virginia University at Morgantown, Dolliver moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa in 1878 to practice law there.
He quickly gained notice for his oratorical skills, traveling around the country speaking on behalf of Republican candidates. In 1884, at only the age of 26, Dolliver received national attention while campaigning for the GOP presidential nominee, James Blaine. Dolliver noted how strongly Iowa was tied to the Republican party, and is reported to have said, “Iowa will go Democratic when Hell goes Methodist.” Interesting to note that Dolliver was the son of a Methodist minister.
In 1888, Jonathan Dolliver challenged an incumbent from his own party for a seat in Congress. After 110 ballots in the district nominating convention, Dolliver won the party’s nod, and then was elected to the U.S. House six times. In 1900, U.S. Sen. John Gear died while in office, and Dolliver was appointed to replace him.
Dolliver was twice considered for the Republican vice-presidential nomination, and had a national reputation as a progressive as the term was used at the time. He died while serving in the U.S. Senate in 1910 at the age of 52.
Jonathan Dolliver, who told a partisan crowd that “Iowa will go Democratic when Hell goes Methodist,” was born on this date in 1858.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 6th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Of Democrats And Methodists"
Jonathan Prentiss Dolliver was born on this date in 1858 in what was then Preston County, Virginia. Not long after, the county refused to join the Confederacy and became part of the Union’s new state of West Virginia.
Soon after graduating from the West Virginia University at Morgantown, Dolliver moved to Fort Dodge, Iowa in 1878 to practice law there.
He quickly gained notice for his oratorical skills, traveling around the country speaking on behalf of Republican candidates. In 1884, at only the age of 26, Dolliver received national attention while campaigning for the GOP presidential nominee, James Blaine. Dolliver noted how strongly Iowa was tied to the Republican party, and is reported to have said, “Iowa will go Democratic when Hell goes Methodist.” Interesting to note that Dolliver was the son of a Methodist minister.
In 1888, Jonathan Dolliver challenged an incumbent from his own party for a seat in Congress. After 110 ballots in the district nominating convention, Dolliver won the party’s nod, and then was elected to the U.S. House six times. In 1900, U.S. Sen. John Gear died while in office, and Dolliver was appointed to replace him.
Dolliver was twice considered for the Republican vice-presidential nomination, and had a national reputation as a progressive as the term was used at the time. He died while serving in the U.S. Senate in 1910 at the age of 52.
Jonathan Dolliver, who told a partisan crowd that “Iowa will go Democratic when Hell goes Methodist,” was born on this date in 1858.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 6th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 05, 2024
"The First Tournament"
Iowa has a proud tradition when it comes to wrestling. Pioneers of the sport, such as Martin “Farmer” Burns from Wheatland and Frank Gotch from Humboldt, were known around the world as professional wrestlers.
That helped inspire amateur wrestling in our state. The first NCAA wrestling championships were held in Ames in 1912…four years before Iowa State began a team.
1921 was a big year for high school wrestling in Iowa. On January 15th of that year, what was called the “first interscholastic wrestling contest ever staged in Iowa” was held in Fort Dodge. “7 Fast and Furious Matches” were held in a one hour period that Saturday afternoon, between the visitors from Mason City and the home team from Fort Dodge. The wrestling match was held before the first home boys basketball game of the year. The visitors from Mason City won that first wrestling match 24 to 19.
A few weeks later, on February 5th, the first Iowa High School Wrestling State Tournament was held in Ames, hosted by Iowa State College. Cedar Rapids Washington won that first state title, easily outscoring 19 other schools. Washington scored 23 points, with Mason City in second with 8 and Red Oak in third with 7. Other schools participating in that first meet included Garden City, Leon, Geneva, Odebolt, Shell Rock, Eldora, Fort Dodge, Humboldt, Boone, East Waterloo, Ames and Marshalltown.
The Iowa High School Athletic Association formally recognized a state meet in 1926…five years after the very first Iowa High School Wrestling State Tournament was held in Ames, on this date in 1921.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 5th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The First Tournament"
Iowa has a proud tradition when it comes to wrestling. Pioneers of the sport, such as Martin “Farmer” Burns from Wheatland and Frank Gotch from Humboldt, were known around the world as professional wrestlers.
That helped inspire amateur wrestling in our state. The first NCAA wrestling championships were held in Ames in 1912…four years before Iowa State began a team.
1921 was a big year for high school wrestling in Iowa. On January 15th of that year, what was called the “first interscholastic wrestling contest ever staged in Iowa” was held in Fort Dodge. “7 Fast and Furious Matches” were held in a one hour period that Saturday afternoon, between the visitors from Mason City and the home team from Fort Dodge. The wrestling match was held before the first home boys basketball game of the year. The visitors from Mason City won that first wrestling match 24 to 19.
A few weeks later, on February 5th, the first Iowa High School Wrestling State Tournament was held in Ames, hosted by Iowa State College. Cedar Rapids Washington won that first state title, easily outscoring 19 other schools. Washington scored 23 points, with Mason City in second with 8 and Red Oak in third with 7. Other schools participating in that first meet included Garden City, Leon, Geneva, Odebolt, Shell Rock, Eldora, Fort Dodge, Humboldt, Boone, East Waterloo, Ames and Marshalltown.
The Iowa High School Athletic Association formally recognized a state meet in 1926…five years after the very first Iowa High School Wrestling State Tournament was held in Ames, on this date in 1921.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 5th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 02, 2024
"Downtown Gilman On Fire"
The morning of February 2nd, 1912, started like most others for Willard Seager. His mother owned a restaurant in downtown Gilman in Marshall County, and around 6 o’clock, Willard was preparing to serve breakfast there. He filled the generator of the gasoline stove, and as the Times-Republican newspaper reported, he then went to another room to “shake down the hard coal burner.”
Willard Seager had barely gotten out of the kitchen when the stove exploded with flames shooting out in all directions. As reported, “The building, a one-story frame structure, was easy prey for the flames, and the entire building was soon a blazing mass.”
The restaurant was at the corner of Main and Church Streets. To the west, on Church Street, was the Bank of Gilman. That building “burned like tinder, and was soon a mass of ruins”—all that remained was the contents of the bank vault, including books, papers, and cash.
From there, the fire spread to a shoe store. While the building was destroyed, most of the stock was saved.
The newspaper noted that the volunteers fighting the fire, “who included practically every available able-bodied man in town,” were handicapped due to the weather. It was 13 degrees below zero that morning, and water in the fire hose froze several times. Firefighters relied on buckets to get the fire under control.
The restaurant was fully insured for its $3,000 loss. The bank, however, carried no insurance for its loss of $1,000. No injuries, though, were reported.
Three buildings were destroyed and another housing the post office was damaged, when a restaurant kitchen fire spread in Gilman, on this date in 1912.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 2nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Downtown Gilman On Fire"
The morning of February 2nd, 1912, started like most others for Willard Seager. His mother owned a restaurant in downtown Gilman in Marshall County, and around 6 o’clock, Willard was preparing to serve breakfast there. He filled the generator of the gasoline stove, and as the Times-Republican newspaper reported, he then went to another room to “shake down the hard coal burner.”
Willard Seager had barely gotten out of the kitchen when the stove exploded with flames shooting out in all directions. As reported, “The building, a one-story frame structure, was easy prey for the flames, and the entire building was soon a blazing mass.”
The restaurant was at the corner of Main and Church Streets. To the west, on Church Street, was the Bank of Gilman. That building “burned like tinder, and was soon a mass of ruins”—all that remained was the contents of the bank vault, including books, papers, and cash.
From there, the fire spread to a shoe store. While the building was destroyed, most of the stock was saved.
The newspaper noted that the volunteers fighting the fire, “who included practically every available able-bodied man in town,” were handicapped due to the weather. It was 13 degrees below zero that morning, and water in the fire hose froze several times. Firefighters relied on buckets to get the fire under control.
The restaurant was fully insured for its $3,000 loss. The bank, however, carried no insurance for its loss of $1,000. No injuries, though, were reported.
Three buildings were destroyed and another housing the post office was damaged, when a restaurant kitchen fire spread in Gilman, on this date in 1912.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 2nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 01, 2024
"The Medal of Honor"
33-year-old Air Force major Merlyn Dethlefsen stood at attention in the East Room of the White House on February 1st, 1968. Virtually all his family was present as President Lyndon Johnson presented the Greenville, Iowa native with the Medal of Honor.
On March 10th, 1967, Dethlefsen was flying an F-105 Thunderchief, one of a number of aircraft flying ahead of a strike force of 72 fighter bombers. Dethlefsen was flying the number three aircraft, but as they made their first pass, the flight leader's plane was shot down, and the wing man was forced to withdraw because of damage. That put then-Captain Dethlefsen in charge.
Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he fended off MiG attacks by flying directly into antiaircraft fire. He made repeated strikes with his wing man against the enemy's defensive positions, effectively destroying two missile sites before guiding his nearly crippled plane back to the air base in Thailand, some 500 miles away.
Dethlefsen could have pulled out of the mission honorably many times--when attacked by two MiGs, when hit by flak, or when the smoke of battle made it difficult to locate the enemy. But he made repeated passes, each one more dangerous than the one before.
I mentioned that virtually all of his family was there at the Medal of Honor ceremony. His younger brother, an Army private, couldn't make it. Because of renewed intensive fighting, his plane from Vietnam to Washington was delayed. And soon, that fighting would lead the very president awarding the medal to decline running for another term.
Born in Greenville, raised in Royal, Merlyn Dethlefsen ultimately rose to the rank of Colonel before retiring from the Air Force in 1977. But he became the third Iowan to receive our nation's highest decoration during the Vietnam War--the Medal of Honor--on this date in 1968.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 1st...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Medal of Honor"
33-year-old Air Force major Merlyn Dethlefsen stood at attention in the East Room of the White House on February 1st, 1968. Virtually all his family was present as President Lyndon Johnson presented the Greenville, Iowa native with the Medal of Honor.
On March 10th, 1967, Dethlefsen was flying an F-105 Thunderchief, one of a number of aircraft flying ahead of a strike force of 72 fighter bombers. Dethlefsen was flying the number three aircraft, but as they made their first pass, the flight leader's plane was shot down, and the wing man was forced to withdraw because of damage. That put then-Captain Dethlefsen in charge.
Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he fended off MiG attacks by flying directly into antiaircraft fire. He made repeated strikes with his wing man against the enemy's defensive positions, effectively destroying two missile sites before guiding his nearly crippled plane back to the air base in Thailand, some 500 miles away.
Dethlefsen could have pulled out of the mission honorably many times--when attacked by two MiGs, when hit by flak, or when the smoke of battle made it difficult to locate the enemy. But he made repeated passes, each one more dangerous than the one before.
I mentioned that virtually all of his family was there at the Medal of Honor ceremony. His younger brother, an Army private, couldn't make it. Because of renewed intensive fighting, his plane from Vietnam to Washington was delayed. And soon, that fighting would lead the very president awarding the medal to decline running for another term.
Born in Greenville, raised in Royal, Merlyn Dethlefsen ultimately rose to the rank of Colonel before retiring from the Air Force in 1977. But he became the third Iowan to receive our nation's highest decoration during the Vietnam War--the Medal of Honor--on this date in 1968.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 1st...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.