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Copyright 2021 by Stein Enterprises, L.L.C.
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Copyright 2021 by Stein Enterprises, L.L.C.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 26, 2021
"The Legend of Buffalo Bill"
William Cody was born near LeClaire in Scott County on February 26, 1846…Iowa became a state later that same year. He only lived in Iowa a short while as his family moved a lot, although they owned a farm in Iowa for some time.
His father died when Bill was only 11, and the boy took a number of jobs to support himself and his family. One of those was as a rider for the Pony Express when he was only 14.
He fought for the Union during the Civil War, and later served as a courier and a scout. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1872 for “gallantry above and beyond the call of duty” as an Army scout.
Bill Cody got the nickname “Buffalo Bill” after the Civil War. He contracted with the Kansas Pacific Railroad to provide workers with buffalo meat, and is reported to have killed nearly 4,300 buffalo in an 18-month period. He competed with another hunter, Bill Comstock, in an eight-hour buffalo shooting match over the exclusive right to use the name…Cody killed 68 in that time, to Comstock’s 48.
Buffalo Bill Cody’s reputation was made when he was only 23, when a story based on his adventures was published in the “New York Weekly”, then through a series of novels.
After that came a series of stage shows, both across this country and in Europe. Noted headliners such as Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane were part of “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West” shows.
He was instrumental in the founding of Cody, Wyoming, and was a noted supporter of Native Americans and equal pay for women…which were not always popular stands to take in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was honored by not one, but two different U.S. postage stamps over time.
Following his death in 1917, he was buried on Lookout Mountain, just west of Denver, Colorado…leaving an estate worth nearly two million dollars in today’s money.
He became known throughout the world as a legend of the West…but Buffalo Bill Cody was born near LeClaire, Iowa, on this date in 1846.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 26th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Legend of Buffalo Bill"
William Cody was born near LeClaire in Scott County on February 26, 1846…Iowa became a state later that same year. He only lived in Iowa a short while as his family moved a lot, although they owned a farm in Iowa for some time.
His father died when Bill was only 11, and the boy took a number of jobs to support himself and his family. One of those was as a rider for the Pony Express when he was only 14.
He fought for the Union during the Civil War, and later served as a courier and a scout. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1872 for “gallantry above and beyond the call of duty” as an Army scout.
Bill Cody got the nickname “Buffalo Bill” after the Civil War. He contracted with the Kansas Pacific Railroad to provide workers with buffalo meat, and is reported to have killed nearly 4,300 buffalo in an 18-month period. He competed with another hunter, Bill Comstock, in an eight-hour buffalo shooting match over the exclusive right to use the name…Cody killed 68 in that time, to Comstock’s 48.
Buffalo Bill Cody’s reputation was made when he was only 23, when a story based on his adventures was published in the “New York Weekly”, then through a series of novels.
After that came a series of stage shows, both across this country and in Europe. Noted headliners such as Annie Oakley and Calamity Jane were part of “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West” shows.
He was instrumental in the founding of Cody, Wyoming, and was a noted supporter of Native Americans and equal pay for women…which were not always popular stands to take in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was honored by not one, but two different U.S. postage stamps over time.
Following his death in 1917, he was buried on Lookout Mountain, just west of Denver, Colorado…leaving an estate worth nearly two million dollars in today’s money.
He became known throughout the world as a legend of the West…but Buffalo Bill Cody was born near LeClaire, Iowa, on this date in 1846.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 26th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 25, 2021
"Creating A University"
Iowa had officially been a state for less than two months, when on February 25, 1847, the Iowa legislature voted to establish a state university. And it only made sense to place that university where the state's capitol was located, Iowa City.
The State University of Iowa took a while to welcome students and actually hold classes. The first faculty offered instruction to students in March of 1855 in the Old Mechanics Building, which is where Seashore Hall was located for many years before it was recently torn down. By September of that year, there were 124 students, including 41 women.
That same year, 1855, saw the university start collecting books for a library. The university received 50 books that year...a good start for a facility that would open in 1857 and become one of the nation's largest research libraries.
In 1857, the state's capitol moved to Des Moines, and the Old Capitol Building became the first permanent home of the university…it is still its signature building today.
Early on, there were nine departments offering programs in Ancient and Modern Languages, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, History, Natural History, Mathematics and Chemistry.
The first degree from SUI was awarded in 1858 to Dexter Smith, a bachelor of science degree.
But only 59 days after becoming a state, the University of Iowa was founded on this date in 1847.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 25th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Creating A University"
Iowa had officially been a state for less than two months, when on February 25, 1847, the Iowa legislature voted to establish a state university. And it only made sense to place that university where the state's capitol was located, Iowa City.
The State University of Iowa took a while to welcome students and actually hold classes. The first faculty offered instruction to students in March of 1855 in the Old Mechanics Building, which is where Seashore Hall was located for many years before it was recently torn down. By September of that year, there were 124 students, including 41 women.
That same year, 1855, saw the university start collecting books for a library. The university received 50 books that year...a good start for a facility that would open in 1857 and become one of the nation's largest research libraries.
In 1857, the state's capitol moved to Des Moines, and the Old Capitol Building became the first permanent home of the university…it is still its signature building today.
Early on, there were nine departments offering programs in Ancient and Modern Languages, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Natural Philosophy, History, Natural History, Mathematics and Chemistry.
The first degree from SUI was awarded in 1858 to Dexter Smith, a bachelor of science degree.
But only 59 days after becoming a state, the University of Iowa was founded on this date in 1847.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 25th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 24, 2021
"Standing Up For Student Rights"
In December of 1965, a group of Des Moines students...four members of the Tinker family, along with their friend Christopher Eckhardt...decided to wear black armbands to school one day in protest of the Vietnam War.
School officials learned of the plan, and implemented a new policy saying anyone wearing an armband would have to remove it or face suspension from school.
Siblings John and Mary Beth Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt wore the armbands anyway, and were suspended.
The Iowa Civil Liberties Union believed this to be a violation of the students' right to free speech, so they helped the families file a lawsuit against the school. It made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and became a landmark decision supporting free speech and students' rights.
By a 7 to 2 vote, the justices ruled that the First Amendment does apply to public schools, and administrators would have to show valid reasons for stifling that speech, such as a true fear of physical violence or classroom disruption that might result.
In legendary language, the court wrote, "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."
A group of Des Moines students, wearing simple armbands to protest a war, made history in advancing the cause of free speech in this country, when the U.S. Supreme Court decided the "Tinker v. Des Moines Schools" case on this date in 1969.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 24th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Standing Up For Student Rights"
In December of 1965, a group of Des Moines students...four members of the Tinker family, along with their friend Christopher Eckhardt...decided to wear black armbands to school one day in protest of the Vietnam War.
School officials learned of the plan, and implemented a new policy saying anyone wearing an armband would have to remove it or face suspension from school.
Siblings John and Mary Beth Tinker and Christopher Eckhardt wore the armbands anyway, and were suspended.
The Iowa Civil Liberties Union believed this to be a violation of the students' right to free speech, so they helped the families file a lawsuit against the school. It made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and became a landmark decision supporting free speech and students' rights.
By a 7 to 2 vote, the justices ruled that the First Amendment does apply to public schools, and administrators would have to show valid reasons for stifling that speech, such as a true fear of physical violence or classroom disruption that might result.
In legendary language, the court wrote, "It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."
A group of Des Moines students, wearing simple armbands to protest a war, made history in advancing the cause of free speech in this country, when the U.S. Supreme Court decided the "Tinker v. Des Moines Schools" case on this date in 1969.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 24th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 23, 2021
"The Birth Of A Party"
A group of abolitionists met in the Washington County town of Crawfordsville on this date in 1854. The meeting was held in the Seceder Church.
At the time, Crawfordsville was an intensely political and intellectual town, with more than the normal discussion about current events. Many who settled there were highly educated, and it was a point on the Underground Railroad.
At the February 23rd meeting, area men--many of whom had been members of the Whig party--debated political topics, created a platform of positions, and nominated candidates for a new movement, a new political party. Initially, the party was a strong anti-slavery voice.
The movement spread across the country, with similar meetings held in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Michigan.
The first public meeting of similarly minded people was held in Ripon, Wisconsin a month after the Crawfordsville gathering, leading some to say that meeting was the start of the movement.
And it's not surprising that many claim to be the birthplace of this new party, which in six short years would elect one of their own as president--Abraham Lincoln. But Crawfordsville, Iowa, stakes its claim to be the birthplace of the Republican Party because of the meeting held there on this date in 1854.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 23rd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Birth Of A Party"
A group of abolitionists met in the Washington County town of Crawfordsville on this date in 1854. The meeting was held in the Seceder Church.
At the time, Crawfordsville was an intensely political and intellectual town, with more than the normal discussion about current events. Many who settled there were highly educated, and it was a point on the Underground Railroad.
At the February 23rd meeting, area men--many of whom had been members of the Whig party--debated political topics, created a platform of positions, and nominated candidates for a new movement, a new political party. Initially, the party was a strong anti-slavery voice.
The movement spread across the country, with similar meetings held in Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Michigan.
The first public meeting of similarly minded people was held in Ripon, Wisconsin a month after the Crawfordsville gathering, leading some to say that meeting was the start of the movement.
And it's not surprising that many claim to be the birthplace of this new party, which in six short years would elect one of their own as president--Abraham Lincoln. But Crawfordsville, Iowa, stakes its claim to be the birthplace of the Republican Party because of the meeting held there on this date in 1854.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 23rd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 22, 2021
"Finishing First--At First"
They ran the Daytona 500 auto race earlier this month. It’s well known as being the biggest race of the year, and the first race on the yearly NASCAR schedule.
But when the first 500 mile race was run, it was actually the second race of the season. And an Iowan figured prominently.
Johnny Beauchamp was born in Harlan, Iowa. He began his racing career after World War II racing old model stock cars at county fair tracks, and began the 1950s by winning multiple championships at the Playland Park track in Council Bluffs. At the time, NASCAR was focused in the southeastern U.S., and the International Motor Contest Association, IMCA, dominated the Midwest…and Beauchamp dominated IMCA, winning dozens of races and multiple season championships.
Then came 1959, and Beauchamp found himself behind the wheel of a Thunderbird for the first Daytona 500. He took the lead when Fireball Roberts went out on lap 43, and was in the top three places the rest of the race. With about 50 laps left, Lee Petty moved up near the front, and Beauchamp and Petty raced neck-and-neck for the last quarter of the race.
They crossed the line at about the same time, with Iowan Johnny Beauchamp declared the winner. He took the car to victory lane and enjoyed the celebration…but that was not the end of it. Lee Petty protested, saying he was the winner. The Beauchamp side argued that not only was Johnny’s car ahead by two feet, but that Petty had taken more pit stops during the race and was not even on the same lap. At that time, NASCAR had drivers’ wives often counting the laps…far from the scoring system used today.
NASCAR founder Bill France, Sr., studied photos and newsreel footage for three days, and then declared Lee Petty the winner, taking the crown away from Beauchamp.
Johnny won the NASCAR event in Atlanta a month later, and one at Nashville the following year before finishing his career in the 1961 Daytona 500…ironically, in that last race, he was involved in an accident with Lee Petty.
The controversial finish helped put NASCAR on the map, when Iowa’s Johnny Beauchamp was originally declared the first winner of the Daytona 500, on this date in 1959.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 22nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Finishing First--At First"
They ran the Daytona 500 auto race earlier this month. It’s well known as being the biggest race of the year, and the first race on the yearly NASCAR schedule.
But when the first 500 mile race was run, it was actually the second race of the season. And an Iowan figured prominently.
Johnny Beauchamp was born in Harlan, Iowa. He began his racing career after World War II racing old model stock cars at county fair tracks, and began the 1950s by winning multiple championships at the Playland Park track in Council Bluffs. At the time, NASCAR was focused in the southeastern U.S., and the International Motor Contest Association, IMCA, dominated the Midwest…and Beauchamp dominated IMCA, winning dozens of races and multiple season championships.
Then came 1959, and Beauchamp found himself behind the wheel of a Thunderbird for the first Daytona 500. He took the lead when Fireball Roberts went out on lap 43, and was in the top three places the rest of the race. With about 50 laps left, Lee Petty moved up near the front, and Beauchamp and Petty raced neck-and-neck for the last quarter of the race.
They crossed the line at about the same time, with Iowan Johnny Beauchamp declared the winner. He took the car to victory lane and enjoyed the celebration…but that was not the end of it. Lee Petty protested, saying he was the winner. The Beauchamp side argued that not only was Johnny’s car ahead by two feet, but that Petty had taken more pit stops during the race and was not even on the same lap. At that time, NASCAR had drivers’ wives often counting the laps…far from the scoring system used today.
NASCAR founder Bill France, Sr., studied photos and newsreel footage for three days, and then declared Lee Petty the winner, taking the crown away from Beauchamp.
Johnny won the NASCAR event in Atlanta a month later, and one at Nashville the following year before finishing his career in the 1961 Daytona 500…ironically, in that last race, he was involved in an accident with Lee Petty.
The controversial finish helped put NASCAR on the map, when Iowa’s Johnny Beauchamp was originally declared the first winner of the Daytona 500, on this date in 1959.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 22nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 19, 2021
"The Antenna Inventor"
After serving in World War II, John Winegard returned to Burlington, Iowa and found work as a radio repairman. That made sense, since as a boy during the Great Depression, he built his own telegraph set out of a tobacco can, a car horn, and a used battery.
By the late 1940s, the earliest television stations started broadcasting, but only in major cities hundreds of miles away. John wanted to see what the new Chicago station, now WBBM, was putting on the air, so in 1948 he designed and built an outdoor antenna that would allow him to watch TV from Chicago in Burlington. Working out of a friend’s basement, and then his parents’ garage, John Winegard’s designs became more sophisticated, and soon he created the Electro-Lens director system, the first patented improvement on TV antenna design in 25 years.
In 1948, there were fewer than 1 million TV sets in the U.S. Five years later, that number grew to 25 million, all needing antennas to receive the VHF signals of channels 2 through 13. So John founded the Winegard Company on December 29, 1953.
When the government opened up the UHF band, channels 14 through 83, in 1955, Winegard was there, with the first 82-channel antenna. A few years later, he invented the first electronic booster, to improve signal quality.
For a time, the legendary Paul Harvey advertised Winegard products on the air as a spokesman…so did Arthur Godfrey and Milton Berle.
Today, the company is still based in Burlington, with a worldwide reputation for producing antennae for a variety of uses. It’s operated by his children, who carry on their father’s dream of making his home area a great place to live and work. It’s the legacy John Winegard left when he died, on this date in 2002.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 19th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Antenna Inventor"
After serving in World War II, John Winegard returned to Burlington, Iowa and found work as a radio repairman. That made sense, since as a boy during the Great Depression, he built his own telegraph set out of a tobacco can, a car horn, and a used battery.
By the late 1940s, the earliest television stations started broadcasting, but only in major cities hundreds of miles away. John wanted to see what the new Chicago station, now WBBM, was putting on the air, so in 1948 he designed and built an outdoor antenna that would allow him to watch TV from Chicago in Burlington. Working out of a friend’s basement, and then his parents’ garage, John Winegard’s designs became more sophisticated, and soon he created the Electro-Lens director system, the first patented improvement on TV antenna design in 25 years.
In 1948, there were fewer than 1 million TV sets in the U.S. Five years later, that number grew to 25 million, all needing antennas to receive the VHF signals of channels 2 through 13. So John founded the Winegard Company on December 29, 1953.
When the government opened up the UHF band, channels 14 through 83, in 1955, Winegard was there, with the first 82-channel antenna. A few years later, he invented the first electronic booster, to improve signal quality.
For a time, the legendary Paul Harvey advertised Winegard products on the air as a spokesman…so did Arthur Godfrey and Milton Berle.
Today, the company is still based in Burlington, with a worldwide reputation for producing antennae for a variety of uses. It’s operated by his children, who carry on their father’s dream of making his home area a great place to live and work. It’s the legacy John Winegard left when he died, on this date in 2002.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 19th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 18, 2021
"Sounds Flying Through The Air"
Robert Karlowa was fascinated with the idea that sounds could travel wirelessly from one point to another. So in 1907, he was one of a growing number of people who set up experimental stations, first in Rock Island, Illinois and then in Davenport, Iowa, sending signals to other hobbyists. The word “radio” had not been invented then.
Karlowa’s interest grew, as did his station. On February 18, 1922, he got a license from the federal government to operate a radio station in Davenport, called WOC. It was the first commercial station in Iowa, and one of the first west of the Mississippi.
But operating a commercial station was more than a hobby, both in time and cost. Soon after, he sold the station to Col. B.J. Palmer, who operated the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Palmer wanted the station to promote the Palmer School and he even gave radio lectures about chiropractic treatment.
Broadcasting became big business for Palmer, who later wrote a book, “Radio Salesmanship”, which became must-reading for those in the industry.
WOC became a charter member of the NBC radio network in 1927, and in 1932, gave a young man a job as a sportscaster…Ronald Reagan. The original WOC left the air for a time in the 1930s, but a new WOC was started soon after.
B.J. Palmer always said WOC stood for Wonders of Chiropractic. It actually didn’t, because those call letters were randomly assigned to the station’s founder, Robert Karlowa, on this date in 1922.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 18th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Sounds Flying Through The Air"
Robert Karlowa was fascinated with the idea that sounds could travel wirelessly from one point to another. So in 1907, he was one of a growing number of people who set up experimental stations, first in Rock Island, Illinois and then in Davenport, Iowa, sending signals to other hobbyists. The word “radio” had not been invented then.
Karlowa’s interest grew, as did his station. On February 18, 1922, he got a license from the federal government to operate a radio station in Davenport, called WOC. It was the first commercial station in Iowa, and one of the first west of the Mississippi.
But operating a commercial station was more than a hobby, both in time and cost. Soon after, he sold the station to Col. B.J. Palmer, who operated the Palmer School of Chiropractic. Palmer wanted the station to promote the Palmer School and he even gave radio lectures about chiropractic treatment.
Broadcasting became big business for Palmer, who later wrote a book, “Radio Salesmanship”, which became must-reading for those in the industry.
WOC became a charter member of the NBC radio network in 1927, and in 1932, gave a young man a job as a sportscaster…Ronald Reagan. The original WOC left the air for a time in the 1930s, but a new WOC was started soon after.
B.J. Palmer always said WOC stood for Wonders of Chiropractic. It actually didn’t, because those call letters were randomly assigned to the station’s founder, Robert Karlowa, on this date in 1922.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 18th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 17, 2021
"Those Kids And Their Darn Music"
It's become something of a stereotype...parents complain about their children's taste in music...then those children grow up and become parents who complain about their children's music.
Rarely, though, does a sitting governor weigh in on the topic. But then again, Harold Hughes always did speak his mind.
In a speech to the Iowa Bank Auditors and Controllers conference at the Hyperion Club in Des Moines on this date in 1966, Hughes said, "Our young people may wear their hair in weird fashions, and listen to godawful music...But then, young people have always done things of equally ridiculous nature. And we have survived."
Hughes went on to compare the anti-war sentiment of the time with past protests, and noted that America survived then, too.
In a far-reaching address that in some ways telegraphed his later interest in national politics, Hughes discussed local, state, and international issues.
He said if any place on the troubled earth has a bright future, "it is this patch of good earth and God-given abundance that we call Iowa."
But the headline writers in The Des Moines Register focused on his comments about the "godawful music" listened to by young people, when they reported on Gov. Hughes' speech, delivered on this date in 1966.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 17th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Those Kids And Their Darn Music"
It's become something of a stereotype...parents complain about their children's taste in music...then those children grow up and become parents who complain about their children's music.
Rarely, though, does a sitting governor weigh in on the topic. But then again, Harold Hughes always did speak his mind.
In a speech to the Iowa Bank Auditors and Controllers conference at the Hyperion Club in Des Moines on this date in 1966, Hughes said, "Our young people may wear their hair in weird fashions, and listen to godawful music...But then, young people have always done things of equally ridiculous nature. And we have survived."
Hughes went on to compare the anti-war sentiment of the time with past protests, and noted that America survived then, too.
In a far-reaching address that in some ways telegraphed his later interest in national politics, Hughes discussed local, state, and international issues.
He said if any place on the troubled earth has a bright future, "it is this patch of good earth and God-given abundance that we call Iowa."
But the headline writers in The Des Moines Register focused on his comments about the "godawful music" listened to by young people, when they reported on Gov. Hughes' speech, delivered on this date in 1966.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 17th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 16, 2021
"Primary Politics"
We’re well familiar with Iowa’s presidential precinct caucuses, which in their current form date back a half century. Iowa does not have a presidential primary election…it did once, but only once.
Iowa became a state in 1846 and adopted the common national practice of the time of caucuses and conventions where political parties nominated their candidates for public office. Ultimately, Iowa adopted a statewide primary election law in 1907, but that was only for offices filled by direct popular vote…which did not include nomination of presidential candidates, and at that point, not even U.S. Senators, since those were still chosen by the state legislature at that time.
In 1913, Iowa’s primary election law was amended to include selection of delegates to national political conventions, and a presidential preference poll to determine the sentiment of voters.
Iowa held its first—and as it turned out, only—presidential primary on April 10, 1916. But none of the major presidential candidates entered, and less than one-third of the eligible voters cast a ballot. The primary election cost the state $122,000…which would be $2.9 million today.
Gov. George Clarke, who called for a presidential primary law in his inaugural address in 1913, had seen enough, calling the 1916 election a farce and urging repeal of the law. That happened quickly, and on February 16, 1917, the new governor, William Harding, signed the bill into law. And we’ve never had a presidential primary election since.
Iowa’s presidential primary elections were banned, by state law signed on this date in 1917.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 16th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Primary Politics"
We’re well familiar with Iowa’s presidential precinct caucuses, which in their current form date back a half century. Iowa does not have a presidential primary election…it did once, but only once.
Iowa became a state in 1846 and adopted the common national practice of the time of caucuses and conventions where political parties nominated their candidates for public office. Ultimately, Iowa adopted a statewide primary election law in 1907, but that was only for offices filled by direct popular vote…which did not include nomination of presidential candidates, and at that point, not even U.S. Senators, since those were still chosen by the state legislature at that time.
In 1913, Iowa’s primary election law was amended to include selection of delegates to national political conventions, and a presidential preference poll to determine the sentiment of voters.
Iowa held its first—and as it turned out, only—presidential primary on April 10, 1916. But none of the major presidential candidates entered, and less than one-third of the eligible voters cast a ballot. The primary election cost the state $122,000…which would be $2.9 million today.
Gov. George Clarke, who called for a presidential primary law in his inaugural address in 1913, had seen enough, calling the 1916 election a farce and urging repeal of the law. That happened quickly, and on February 16, 1917, the new governor, William Harding, signed the bill into law. And we’ve never had a presidential primary election since.
Iowa’s presidential primary elections were banned, by state law signed on this date in 1917.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 16th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 15, 2021
"The Oldest in America"
The fact that the oldest standing purpose-built mosque in America is in Iowa might seem curious to some. But it is in keeping with Iowa’s long history of welcoming those from a variety of faiths.
It was once known as The Rose of Fraternity Lodge, located on 9th Street NW in Cedar Rapids. The mosque was completed in 1934. Mosques in Chicago and New York City have been in place longer…but they were converted from existing buildings to be used as a Muslim house of worship. The Iowa structure is the oldest built for this specific purpose.
The mosque in Cedar Rapids was built by a group of immigrants and their descendants from the Ottoman Empire, in what is now Lebanon and Syria. And it served as a place of worship for Muslims for four decades. When the larger Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids was built in 1971, the building was sold and sadly, fell into disrepair.
In 1991, the Islamic Council of Iowa purchased and restored the building as a Muslim cultural center.
The Mother Mosque stands in a residential neighborhood, with houses on all sides. A small marker off First Avenue points the way to the structure, which is listed on both the Iowa State Historical Register and the National Register of Historic Places.
Construction of what is now The Mother Mosque of America Islamic Cultural and Heritage Center, the oldest mosque in America, was completed on this date in 1934.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 15th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Oldest in America"
The fact that the oldest standing purpose-built mosque in America is in Iowa might seem curious to some. But it is in keeping with Iowa’s long history of welcoming those from a variety of faiths.
It was once known as The Rose of Fraternity Lodge, located on 9th Street NW in Cedar Rapids. The mosque was completed in 1934. Mosques in Chicago and New York City have been in place longer…but they were converted from existing buildings to be used as a Muslim house of worship. The Iowa structure is the oldest built for this specific purpose.
The mosque in Cedar Rapids was built by a group of immigrants and their descendants from the Ottoman Empire, in what is now Lebanon and Syria. And it served as a place of worship for Muslims for four decades. When the larger Islamic Center of Cedar Rapids was built in 1971, the building was sold and sadly, fell into disrepair.
In 1991, the Islamic Council of Iowa purchased and restored the building as a Muslim cultural center.
The Mother Mosque stands in a residential neighborhood, with houses on all sides. A small marker off First Avenue points the way to the structure, which is listed on both the Iowa State Historical Register and the National Register of Historic Places.
Construction of what is now The Mother Mosque of America Islamic Cultural and Heritage Center, the oldest mosque in America, was completed on this date in 1934.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 15th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 12, 2021
"A Fireball Falling From The Sky"
It was a clear night in Iowa on this date in 1875, the coldest winter many could recall for years. Suddenly, what came to be called the Amana Meteorite came into view. Its bright fireball was seen from Omaha to Chicago...and from St. Paul to St. Louis.
Iowans saw a bright light and a great ball of fire in the southern sky. One observer said it looked like the face of the moon had fallen off and was approaching the earth. The sound was described as being like a train passing over a bridge, with occasional explosions as the fireball passed.
Witnesses said the moon and stars were blotted from the sky, and the surrounding landscape illuminated as if at noonday.
The meteorite entered the atmosphere over northern Missouri and traveled north/northeast, passing just east of Centerville and directly over Eddyville before exploding and breaking into two main pieces over northwest Keokuk County.
The larger piece continued north, exploding near the Iowa/Benton County line southwest of Norway and no fragments were ever found.
The smaller piece went to the east, exploding over Amana and producing a meteorite field three miles wide and five miles long.
More than 800 pounds of fragments, some as heavy as 74 pounds, have been discovered in the past 140 years...but experts say as much as three and a half tons of fragments are still out there, buried into the Iowa soil, waiting to be discovered.
Witnesses said the moon and stars were blotted from the sky, and the surrounding landscape illuminated as if at noonday...when the Amana meteorite fell from the sky, on this date in 1875.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 12th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"A Fireball Falling From The Sky"
It was a clear night in Iowa on this date in 1875, the coldest winter many could recall for years. Suddenly, what came to be called the Amana Meteorite came into view. Its bright fireball was seen from Omaha to Chicago...and from St. Paul to St. Louis.
Iowans saw a bright light and a great ball of fire in the southern sky. One observer said it looked like the face of the moon had fallen off and was approaching the earth. The sound was described as being like a train passing over a bridge, with occasional explosions as the fireball passed.
Witnesses said the moon and stars were blotted from the sky, and the surrounding landscape illuminated as if at noonday.
The meteorite entered the atmosphere over northern Missouri and traveled north/northeast, passing just east of Centerville and directly over Eddyville before exploding and breaking into two main pieces over northwest Keokuk County.
The larger piece continued north, exploding near the Iowa/Benton County line southwest of Norway and no fragments were ever found.
The smaller piece went to the east, exploding over Amana and producing a meteorite field three miles wide and five miles long.
More than 800 pounds of fragments, some as heavy as 74 pounds, have been discovered in the past 140 years...but experts say as much as three and a half tons of fragments are still out there, buried into the Iowa soil, waiting to be discovered.
Witnesses said the moon and stars were blotted from the sky, and the surrounding landscape illuminated as if at noonday...when the Amana meteorite fell from the sky, on this date in 1875.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 12th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 11, 2021
"A City Named For A Congressman"
Pomeroy is located in Calhoun County in northwest Iowa. The town of 662 residents was almost wiped off the map in 1893 when a devastating tornado struck the town. But the spirit of the people prevailed and the town was rebuilt. That resilient spirit is fitting, and reminds one of the man for whom the town was named.
Charles W. Pomeroy was born in Connecticut and studied and practiced law. At the age of 30, he moved to Iowa, settling in what was then Boonesboro in Boone County. He pursued agriculture as well as law...and then got interested in politics.
He was one of the earliest members of the Republican Party, and was one of Iowa's electors in 1860, casting a vote in the Electoral College for President Abraham Lincoln.
He changed careers in 1861, becoming receiver of the U.S. Land Office at Fort Dodge. He held that position for nearly eight years. Then, Mr. Pomeroy went to Washington, as a member of Congress from Iowa's 6th District. The district at the time covered the northwestern third of the state, extending from the Missouri River as far east as Waterloo, and from the Minnesota border as far south as Marshalltown. He lost his bid for renomination two years later and took on yet another career, this one as a claim agent in Washington, D.C., a position he held for the last 20 years of his life.
A new Calhoun County town was platted in 1870, and named Pomeroy after the town's first congressman, who died on this date in 1891.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 11th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"A City Named For A Congressman"
Pomeroy is located in Calhoun County in northwest Iowa. The town of 662 residents was almost wiped off the map in 1893 when a devastating tornado struck the town. But the spirit of the people prevailed and the town was rebuilt. That resilient spirit is fitting, and reminds one of the man for whom the town was named.
Charles W. Pomeroy was born in Connecticut and studied and practiced law. At the age of 30, he moved to Iowa, settling in what was then Boonesboro in Boone County. He pursued agriculture as well as law...and then got interested in politics.
He was one of the earliest members of the Republican Party, and was one of Iowa's electors in 1860, casting a vote in the Electoral College for President Abraham Lincoln.
He changed careers in 1861, becoming receiver of the U.S. Land Office at Fort Dodge. He held that position for nearly eight years. Then, Mr. Pomeroy went to Washington, as a member of Congress from Iowa's 6th District. The district at the time covered the northwestern third of the state, extending from the Missouri River as far east as Waterloo, and from the Minnesota border as far south as Marshalltown. He lost his bid for renomination two years later and took on yet another career, this one as a claim agent in Washington, D.C., a position he held for the last 20 years of his life.
A new Calhoun County town was platted in 1870, and named Pomeroy after the town's first congressman, who died on this date in 1891.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 11th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 10, 2021
"Reporting for Duty"
Back in August of 1917, units from Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota formed the 34th infantry division of the National Guard. We know them as the "Red Bull" division.
The name comes from the shoulder sleeve insignia designed for a training camp contest by artist Marvin Cone, a soldier enlisted in the unit. His design evoked their desert training grounds in New Mexico, by superimposing a red steer skull over a black Mexican water jug, called an "olla". In World War I, the unit was known as the Sandstorm Division, but German troops in World War II called them "Red Devils" and "Red Bulls" because of the logo. The name stuck, and the division later officially adopted the Red Bull nickname.
As the war expanded in Europe and a reluctant United States was about to be drawn into the conflict, initial steps were taken to prepare troops through precautionary training. The 34th was deemed one of the most service-ready units. The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 became law in September of that year, and the first draft in peacetime in U.S. history began.
Soon after came the activation of the 34th on February 10, 1941. Troops from Iowa, both Dakotas, and Minnesota mustered out for duty, travelling by rail and truck convoys to the new Camp Claiborn in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, near Alexandria. Pearl Harbor Day was still 10 months away. But Iowa boys reported for duty with the Red Bull 34th Infantry Division, on this date in 1941.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 10th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Reporting for Duty"
Back in August of 1917, units from Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota formed the 34th infantry division of the National Guard. We know them as the "Red Bull" division.
The name comes from the shoulder sleeve insignia designed for a training camp contest by artist Marvin Cone, a soldier enlisted in the unit. His design evoked their desert training grounds in New Mexico, by superimposing a red steer skull over a black Mexican water jug, called an "olla". In World War I, the unit was known as the Sandstorm Division, but German troops in World War II called them "Red Devils" and "Red Bulls" because of the logo. The name stuck, and the division later officially adopted the Red Bull nickname.
As the war expanded in Europe and a reluctant United States was about to be drawn into the conflict, initial steps were taken to prepare troops through precautionary training. The 34th was deemed one of the most service-ready units. The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 became law in September of that year, and the first draft in peacetime in U.S. history began.
Soon after came the activation of the 34th on February 10, 1941. Troops from Iowa, both Dakotas, and Minnesota mustered out for duty, travelling by rail and truck convoys to the new Camp Claiborn in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, near Alexandria. Pearl Harbor Day was still 10 months away. But Iowa boys reported for duty with the Red Bull 34th Infantry Division, on this date in 1941.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 10th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 9, 2021
"An Iowa Astronaut"
She was 9 years old when she saw black and white images of men walking on the moon on the television in her family's home on a farm outside Beaconsfield, Iowa. Peggy Whitson says she thought that would be a cool job to have. But it started becoming possible at the perfect time for her. Just as she was graduating from high school, NASA picked the first set of female astronauts.
Peggy Whitson's first space mission was in 2002, with an extended six month stay aboard the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 5. By the time she and her crew returned to Earth in December of that year, she had logged nearly 185 days in space.
Five years later, her second mission, Expedition 16, launched. Among those who participated was astronaut Clayton Anderson, an Iowa State alum. She spent another 192 days in space on that mission, which was remarkable because of a malfunction of their Soyuz craft, which subjected the crew to forces about eight times that of gravity during reentry.
During those two trips, Whitson participated in six spacewalks, totaling 39 hours and 46 minutes, making her the female with the most extra vehicular activity time. Her 377 days in space between the two missions...more than one year total...was the most for any woman.
But not satisfied with those records, she returned to space, part of Expedition 50/51, making her officially the oldest female astronaut ever…as well as oldest female spacewalker, the woman with the most total spacewalks, and the first female astronaut to command the International Space Station twice. And on April 24, 2017, she broke the record for most total days spent in space by any NASA astronaut; by the time she returned in September of that year, she had spent a total of 665 days in space during her amazing career.
Peggy Whitson served as chief of the NASA astronaut corps from 2009 until 2012. Reaching unknown heights in space, astronaut Peggy Whitson's life on earth began when she was born in Mount Ayr on this date in 1960.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 9th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"An Iowa Astronaut"
She was 9 years old when she saw black and white images of men walking on the moon on the television in her family's home on a farm outside Beaconsfield, Iowa. Peggy Whitson says she thought that would be a cool job to have. But it started becoming possible at the perfect time for her. Just as she was graduating from high school, NASA picked the first set of female astronauts.
Peggy Whitson's first space mission was in 2002, with an extended six month stay aboard the International Space Station as a member of Expedition 5. By the time she and her crew returned to Earth in December of that year, she had logged nearly 185 days in space.
Five years later, her second mission, Expedition 16, launched. Among those who participated was astronaut Clayton Anderson, an Iowa State alum. She spent another 192 days in space on that mission, which was remarkable because of a malfunction of their Soyuz craft, which subjected the crew to forces about eight times that of gravity during reentry.
During those two trips, Whitson participated in six spacewalks, totaling 39 hours and 46 minutes, making her the female with the most extra vehicular activity time. Her 377 days in space between the two missions...more than one year total...was the most for any woman.
But not satisfied with those records, she returned to space, part of Expedition 50/51, making her officially the oldest female astronaut ever…as well as oldest female spacewalker, the woman with the most total spacewalks, and the first female astronaut to command the International Space Station twice. And on April 24, 2017, she broke the record for most total days spent in space by any NASA astronaut; by the time she returned in September of that year, she had spent a total of 665 days in space during her amazing career.
Peggy Whitson served as chief of the NASA astronaut corps from 2009 until 2012. Reaching unknown heights in space, astronaut Peggy Whitson's life on earth began when she was born in Mount Ayr on this date in 1960.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 9th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 8, 2021
"On The Air Statewide"
When it set up the rules for television licenses in the early 1950s, the Federal Communications Commission wanted to make sure that educational broadcasting was protected. So in essence, they reserved one of the prime, VHF channels in each market for educational use.
As early as 1952, Iowa governor William Beardsley had a plan...establishing a 12-station educational network for Iowa, at a cost then of $5 million. But no one at the time shared Gov. Beardsley's vision.
In Des Moines, the designated educational channel was channel 11, which went on the air as KDPS-TV, which stood for Des Moines Public Schools, the entity which ran the channel. But after a while, the school decided to get out of the television business and sold the rights to the station to the State of Iowa in 1969 for a half million dollars. The state rechristened the channel KDIN-TV, and it became the flagship of what was called the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network, or IEBN.
On February 8, 1970, an eastern Iowa station was added, as KIIN-TV in Iowa City began broadcasting on channel 12, with an identical signal to KDIN. And with two stations, it was now officially a network. By the middle of the decade, four more stations were added, extending the network's reach from one end of the state to the other.
Later known as Iowa Public Television, and now as Iowa PBS, the network broadcasts four separate program streams, over 9 licensed stations and another 8 translators...now surpassing even the ambitious goals of Gov. Beardsley from more than 60 years ago.
But the second station on what was then IEBN, truly making public television in Iowa a network...KIIN, channel 12 in Iowa City...went on the air on this date in 1970.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 8th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"On The Air Statewide"
When it set up the rules for television licenses in the early 1950s, the Federal Communications Commission wanted to make sure that educational broadcasting was protected. So in essence, they reserved one of the prime, VHF channels in each market for educational use.
As early as 1952, Iowa governor William Beardsley had a plan...establishing a 12-station educational network for Iowa, at a cost then of $5 million. But no one at the time shared Gov. Beardsley's vision.
In Des Moines, the designated educational channel was channel 11, which went on the air as KDPS-TV, which stood for Des Moines Public Schools, the entity which ran the channel. But after a while, the school decided to get out of the television business and sold the rights to the station to the State of Iowa in 1969 for a half million dollars. The state rechristened the channel KDIN-TV, and it became the flagship of what was called the Iowa Educational Broadcasting Network, or IEBN.
On February 8, 1970, an eastern Iowa station was added, as KIIN-TV in Iowa City began broadcasting on channel 12, with an identical signal to KDIN. And with two stations, it was now officially a network. By the middle of the decade, four more stations were added, extending the network's reach from one end of the state to the other.
Later known as Iowa Public Television, and now as Iowa PBS, the network broadcasts four separate program streams, over 9 licensed stations and another 8 translators...now surpassing even the ambitious goals of Gov. Beardsley from more than 60 years ago.
But the second station on what was then IEBN, truly making public television in Iowa a network...KIIN, channel 12 in Iowa City...went on the air on this date in 1970.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 8th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Friday, February 5, 2021
"Immigrants in Iowa"
Prior to World War I, there was an influx of people who came to America from Europe in search of a better life. They came to become Americans…but in order to preserve some of their heritage and culture, and have a peer group to share this new American experience with, they often got together.
Around that time, a large number of Italians migrated to Iowa to work in the mining camps of Polk, Dallas, Boone, Marion and Lucas counties. In 1913, a group of them spun off from the Order of Foresters of America and formed a lodge, the Societa Vittoria Italiana. Pellegrino Castelli was one of the founders, and served as the lodge’s original president.
The group became one of the largest American-Italian organizations in Iowa. The lodge’s purpose was “to unite fraternally men of Italian extraction, of good and moral character”. Besides originally serving as a health benefit organization, it also became a vital instrument in the social life of these new immigrants and their families as they adjusted to life in Iowa.
On June 20, 1954, a new Vittoria Lodge Building and Park Grounds was dedicated. It still stands in Ankeny today, and is not only used by members, but you can rent the facility for your own event.
That lodge building was a long held dream of the leaders and members of the lodge. But the founding president was not there to see it…Pellegrino Castelli died a few months before the dedication, on this date in 1954.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 5th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Immigrants in Iowa"
Prior to World War I, there was an influx of people who came to America from Europe in search of a better life. They came to become Americans…but in order to preserve some of their heritage and culture, and have a peer group to share this new American experience with, they often got together.
Around that time, a large number of Italians migrated to Iowa to work in the mining camps of Polk, Dallas, Boone, Marion and Lucas counties. In 1913, a group of them spun off from the Order of Foresters of America and formed a lodge, the Societa Vittoria Italiana. Pellegrino Castelli was one of the founders, and served as the lodge’s original president.
The group became one of the largest American-Italian organizations in Iowa. The lodge’s purpose was “to unite fraternally men of Italian extraction, of good and moral character”. Besides originally serving as a health benefit organization, it also became a vital instrument in the social life of these new immigrants and their families as they adjusted to life in Iowa.
On June 20, 1954, a new Vittoria Lodge Building and Park Grounds was dedicated. It still stands in Ankeny today, and is not only used by members, but you can rent the facility for your own event.
That lodge building was a long held dream of the leaders and members of the lodge. But the founding president was not there to see it…Pellegrino Castelli died a few months before the dedication, on this date in 1954.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 5th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Thursday, February 4, 2021
"Bringing A Windmill To Iowa"
For 40 years, one of the landmarks in the Shelby county town of Elk Horn has been an historic windmill. How it got here is a story worth telling.
The windmill we're talking about was built in 1848 in Norre Snede, Denmark and is called a smock mill. They were commonly used to grind grain into flour. But technology has advanced, and now there are more efficient ways to grind grain. So windmills like this one have been deteriorating for some time.
Elk Horn farmer Harvey Sornson took a trip to his homeland back in 1976 and was so impressed with these structures that he wanted to bring one back with him, sort of an oversized souvenir. After getting back to Iowa, Sornson shared his idea with people in the community, and in only a few days $30,000 had been raised locally with the goal of bringing a real windmill from Denmark to Iowa.
While the Iowans were busy raising more money to support the effort, a carpenter in Denmark was building a scale model of the windmill so it could be dismantled and reassembled in Elk Horn.
On this date in 1976, the pieces of the 60-foot tall mill arrived in Iowa. Beams that had rotted were replaced. A crane was necessary to complete the restoration. Soon the total cost was more than $100,000...no small matter for a town of 750 people.
Reassembling the mill took the 300 volunteers who worked on the project more than a year. But now, in addition to having the largest rural Danish settlement in the U.S., Elk Horn has the only authentic, working Danish windmill in America. And there likely won't be another, since shortly after this one was moved, a law was passed in Denmark, prohibiting any more mills from leaving the country. The last one to leave arrived in Elk Horn, Iowa, on this date in 1976.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 4th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Bringing A Windmill To Iowa"
For 40 years, one of the landmarks in the Shelby county town of Elk Horn has been an historic windmill. How it got here is a story worth telling.
The windmill we're talking about was built in 1848 in Norre Snede, Denmark and is called a smock mill. They were commonly used to grind grain into flour. But technology has advanced, and now there are more efficient ways to grind grain. So windmills like this one have been deteriorating for some time.
Elk Horn farmer Harvey Sornson took a trip to his homeland back in 1976 and was so impressed with these structures that he wanted to bring one back with him, sort of an oversized souvenir. After getting back to Iowa, Sornson shared his idea with people in the community, and in only a few days $30,000 had been raised locally with the goal of bringing a real windmill from Denmark to Iowa.
While the Iowans were busy raising more money to support the effort, a carpenter in Denmark was building a scale model of the windmill so it could be dismantled and reassembled in Elk Horn.
On this date in 1976, the pieces of the 60-foot tall mill arrived in Iowa. Beams that had rotted were replaced. A crane was necessary to complete the restoration. Soon the total cost was more than $100,000...no small matter for a town of 750 people.
Reassembling the mill took the 300 volunteers who worked on the project more than a year. But now, in addition to having the largest rural Danish settlement in the U.S., Elk Horn has the only authentic, working Danish windmill in America. And there likely won't be another, since shortly after this one was moved, a law was passed in Denmark, prohibiting any more mills from leaving the country. The last one to leave arrived in Elk Horn, Iowa, on this date in 1976.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 4th...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Wednesday, February 3, 2021
"The Day The Music Died"
We probably all know the story. Early in the morning of February 3rd, 1959, a small plane piloted by Roger Peterson crashed near the Mason City Airport, killing Peterson and three rock and roll stars…Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper, J.P. Richardson. The three had performed at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake the night before, part of the Winter Dance Party tour.
But this story is about Waylon Jennings.
Waylon and Buddy hung out in Lubbock, Texas…Waylon worked at a radio station there. Both had bands, and wound up running into each other at venues and radio shows. They became friends, and Buddy Holly started helping Waylon Jennings produce his songs, even playing backup on recordings. Holly hired Jennings to play electric bass for him during the Winter Dance Party tour.
That’s how they wound up together on a cold night in Iowa. Buddy Holly chartered a plane for himself, Waylon Jennings, and guitarist Tommy Allsup to take them to the next stop, to avoid another long ride in a bus with a broken heater. The Big Bopper had the flu, so Waylon give him his seat on the plane. When Buddy Holly learned of the switch, he said to Waylon Jennings, “I hope your old bus freezes up.” Jennings replied, “Well, I hope your old plane crashes.” It was very likely the last words the two friends exchanged. Words which haunted Waylon Jennings for the rest of his life.
The Winter Dance Party tour continued despite the plane crash…including five stops in Iowa that next week…in Sioux City, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, and Dubuque.
Waylon Jennings said Buddy Holly was the first person to have faith in his music, and became his best friend. Which made their joking parting words that much sadder…on this date in 1959.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 3rd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Day The Music Died"
We probably all know the story. Early in the morning of February 3rd, 1959, a small plane piloted by Roger Peterson crashed near the Mason City Airport, killing Peterson and three rock and roll stars…Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper, J.P. Richardson. The three had performed at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake the night before, part of the Winter Dance Party tour.
But this story is about Waylon Jennings.
Waylon and Buddy hung out in Lubbock, Texas…Waylon worked at a radio station there. Both had bands, and wound up running into each other at venues and radio shows. They became friends, and Buddy Holly started helping Waylon Jennings produce his songs, even playing backup on recordings. Holly hired Jennings to play electric bass for him during the Winter Dance Party tour.
That’s how they wound up together on a cold night in Iowa. Buddy Holly chartered a plane for himself, Waylon Jennings, and guitarist Tommy Allsup to take them to the next stop, to avoid another long ride in a bus with a broken heater. The Big Bopper had the flu, so Waylon give him his seat on the plane. When Buddy Holly learned of the switch, he said to Waylon Jennings, “I hope your old bus freezes up.” Jennings replied, “Well, I hope your old plane crashes.” It was very likely the last words the two friends exchanged. Words which haunted Waylon Jennings for the rest of his life.
The Winter Dance Party tour continued despite the plane crash…including five stops in Iowa that next week…in Sioux City, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, and Dubuque.
Waylon Jennings said Buddy Holly was the first person to have faith in his music, and became his best friend. Which made their joking parting words that much sadder…on this date in 1959.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 3rd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Tuesday, February 2, 2021
"Inventing an Industry"
If necessity is the mother of invention, then Pella's Gary Vermeer could be called the father of invention.
In 1943, at the height of World War II, it was hard to find enough men to keep Iowa's farms operating. 25-year-old Gary Vermeer invented a wagon hoist, which made it easier and less time-consuming to unload wagons. Neighbors heard about the invention, and they all wanted one of Gary's labor-saving devices. Five years later, he partnered with his cousin, local banker Ralph Vermeer, to create the Vermeer Manufacturing Company.
The wagon hoist was just the start...then came the Pow-R-Sprinkler to distribute water across crops, and the Pow-R-Ditcher ditching machine, as well as a portable power take-off drive for hammermills and shellers, called the Pow-R-Drives.
Eventually, the company expanded beyond agricultural equipment, producing construction, environmental and industrial equipment as well.
But perhaps the best known of all Gary Vermeer's inventions was the round hay-baler. It was another way to make farm work a less labor-intensive, one-person job. The first model was built within a month back in 1971; the machine was patented four years later.
Gary Vermeer was named Iowa Inventor of the Year in 1984, and retired five years later. When he died in his hometown of Pella on this date in 2009 at the age of 90, he left behind a legacy of inventions and philanthropy.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 2nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"Inventing an Industry"
If necessity is the mother of invention, then Pella's Gary Vermeer could be called the father of invention.
In 1943, at the height of World War II, it was hard to find enough men to keep Iowa's farms operating. 25-year-old Gary Vermeer invented a wagon hoist, which made it easier and less time-consuming to unload wagons. Neighbors heard about the invention, and they all wanted one of Gary's labor-saving devices. Five years later, he partnered with his cousin, local banker Ralph Vermeer, to create the Vermeer Manufacturing Company.
The wagon hoist was just the start...then came the Pow-R-Sprinkler to distribute water across crops, and the Pow-R-Ditcher ditching machine, as well as a portable power take-off drive for hammermills and shellers, called the Pow-R-Drives.
Eventually, the company expanded beyond agricultural equipment, producing construction, environmental and industrial equipment as well.
But perhaps the best known of all Gary Vermeer's inventions was the round hay-baler. It was another way to make farm work a less labor-intensive, one-person job. The first model was built within a month back in 1971; the machine was patented four years later.
Gary Vermeer was named Iowa Inventor of the Year in 1984, and retired five years later. When he died in his hometown of Pella on this date in 2009 at the age of 90, he left behind a legacy of inventions and philanthropy.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 2nd...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
Iowa Almanac for Monday, February 1, 2021
"The Medal of Honor"
33-year-old Air Force major Merlyn Dethlefsen stood at attention in the East Room of the White House on February 1st, 1968. Virtually all his family was present as President Lyndon Johnson presented the Greenville, Iowa native with the Medal of Honor.
On March 10th, 1967, Dethlefsen was flying an F-105 Thunderchief, one of a number of aircraft flying ahead of a strike force of 72 fighter bombers. Dethlefsen was flying the number three aircraft, but as they made their first pass, the flight leader's plane was shot down, and the wing man was forced to withdraw because of damage. That put then- Captain Dethlefsen in charge.
Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he fended off MiG attacks by flying directly into antiaircraft fire. He made repeated strikes with his wing man against the enemy's defensive positions, effectively destroying two missile sites before guiding his nearly crippled plane back to the air base in Thailand, some 500 miles away.
Dethlefsen could have pulled out of the mission honorably many times--when attacked by two MiGs, when hit by flak, or when the smoke of battle made it difficult to locate the enemy. But he made repeated passes, each one more dangerous than the one before.
I mentioned that virtually all of his family was there at the Medal of Honor ceremony. His younger brother, an Army private, couldn't make it. Because of renewed intensive fighting, his plane from Vietnam to Washington was delayed. And soon, that fighting would lead the very president awarding the medal to decline running for another term.
Born in Greenville, raised in Royal, Merlyn Dethlefsen ultimately rose to the rank of Colonel before retiring from the Air Force in 1977. But he became the third Iowan to receive our nation's highest decoration during the Vietnam War--the Medal of Honor--on this date in 1968.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 1st...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.
"The Medal of Honor"
33-year-old Air Force major Merlyn Dethlefsen stood at attention in the East Room of the White House on February 1st, 1968. Virtually all his family was present as President Lyndon Johnson presented the Greenville, Iowa native with the Medal of Honor.
On March 10th, 1967, Dethlefsen was flying an F-105 Thunderchief, one of a number of aircraft flying ahead of a strike force of 72 fighter bombers. Dethlefsen was flying the number three aircraft, but as they made their first pass, the flight leader's plane was shot down, and the wing man was forced to withdraw because of damage. That put then- Captain Dethlefsen in charge.
Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he fended off MiG attacks by flying directly into antiaircraft fire. He made repeated strikes with his wing man against the enemy's defensive positions, effectively destroying two missile sites before guiding his nearly crippled plane back to the air base in Thailand, some 500 miles away.
Dethlefsen could have pulled out of the mission honorably many times--when attacked by two MiGs, when hit by flak, or when the smoke of battle made it difficult to locate the enemy. But he made repeated passes, each one more dangerous than the one before.
I mentioned that virtually all of his family was there at the Medal of Honor ceremony. His younger brother, an Army private, couldn't make it. Because of renewed intensive fighting, his plane from Vietnam to Washington was delayed. And soon, that fighting would lead the very president awarding the medal to decline running for another term.
Born in Greenville, raised in Royal, Merlyn Dethlefsen ultimately rose to the rank of Colonel before retiring from the Air Force in 1977. But he became the third Iowan to receive our nation's highest decoration during the Vietnam War--the Medal of Honor--on this date in 1968.
And that's Iowa Almanac for February 1st...Listen to the extended audio version of today's story by clicking on the audio player above.